2010 ~ A Photographic Year in Review

A few months back, if you recall, my computer died. {you can click these underlined words for further details}

Tragedy. {the computer dying part not the story links}

Well a brand new laptop recently arrived requiring all types of data transfers from complicated backup systems. It has been some hard work here in the trenches and I’ve had to request assistance at times from DH. With his computer Mega-Mind he has turned into Jimmy Fallon’s character Nick Burns from SNL. “Move Over” has a whole new meaning to me.

So as part of this data reconfiguration I’ve had to review ALL OF MY photographs.

Cheese and Rice

But in doing so I was able to reflect on 2010 in a whole new way. The Computer Gods work in very mysterious way. Indeed.  

I thought I would share the following photos straight from the Archives as a photographic recap of 2010.

Join me if you like ~









  • Pros: Oliver Attention @ GNO – Beach Weather – Maylin’s Baby Shower – Daphney’s healing love 
  • Cons:  Maddox is stealing massive quantities of food



  • Pros: Cooking in the Kitchen – Easter Fun – Lisa and family visit –  5day GNO trip for 40th Bday celebration.
  • Cons:  none


20100522_862120100521_859220100521_860220100522_866220100522_868720100525_874520100525_874320100524_8723-120100526_8764  may2010 050drums

  • Pros: GNO @ W Hotel in Hollywood  – Glee Concert at the Gibson – Getting Flocked by friends – Daphney growing like a weed – tolerating King Maddox’s indiscretions – Anthony turns 40 Celebration! 
  • Cons:  nada


Outer Banks June 2010 080Outer Banks June 2010 366Outer Banks June 2010 140Outer Banks June 2010 377Outer Banks June 2010 386Outer Banks June 2010 648Mid june 2010 100Mid june 2010 056Mid june 2010 062Mid june 2010 016Mid june 2010 121end of June 2010 106end of June 2010 119


fourth of july 118fourth of july 270fourth of july 277fourth of july 280fourth of july 312fourth of july 237july iii 016Buddy and Towells-027end july 003oc fair 029concert park 091Rich is 40 072-1Rich is 40 0741Rich is 40 090-1Rich is 40 091-1Rich is 40 163Rich is 40 211Rich is 40 216

  • Pros: 4th of July fun – Concerts in the Park – OC Fair – BBQ’g – Rich’s 40th Celebration
  • Cons:  Waist line expanding


Lady Gaga-092balloon and gaga 099balloon and gaga 148Lady Gaga-166SF Bloggy Boot Camp-020SF Bloggy Boot Camp-025SF Bloggy Boot Camp-072Garrett-5846-100827Enge-105clark and daphPre Halloween 006Pre Halloween 023-1


OC Intl Street Fair 2010 ENGE-4401del mar 018del mar 022del mar 024Christines Weddingseptember lulu bounce dogs 123L- Soccer 2010 ENGE-021C- Soccer 2010 ENGE-044Mid October 025Mid October 027


Peter Pan 2010 ENGE-016Peter Pan 2010 ENGE-036chicken and photo fall 055week2 2010 ENGE-003Mid October 039Mid October 078Pre Halloween 029Pre Halloween 041Pre Halloween 047Pre Halloween 055hospitalhalloween   nov 025


IMG_0332IMG_0345IMG_0403IMG_0408IMG_0075IMG_0020  lulu cam sept-nov 10 201  



Nov   matthew party 033matthew party 028  december 1st week 021  Christmas 2010 109Christmas 2010 123

  • Pros: DH Birthday – More Birthdays – Gift Giving – Family – Dry Land Boat Parade
  • Cons: Zero


And my hard drive is now overly organized.

As far as years go, I feel this one, if you omit/forget about the medical issues was pretty darn fun. I’m giving it a solid 9+.

Thank you for joining me at Sugar and Spice this year. It has been my happy place where I can share some of the things I love. I hope you have enjoyed it friends.

I see big things in store for 2011 and I can’t wait to share!

Happy New Year


  1. What an amazing year end post! I hate what the computer god’s put you through, but this was fantastic. Looks like your year just kept getting better & better.

    Can’t wait to see what your blog brings in 2011! 🙂


    • Lindsay the most fabulous {Designer Wife} <– love that BTW. Yes, January was very hard. Overwhelming sadness had arrived for a visit and it took the love from friends and family to kick her out. Happy feelings then snow-balled and this decade will be ending on an amazing note. Can't wait to see what this next decade brings for you as well darlin'. – xo

  2. Blogger Ball made the list of Pros! So proud!
    Happy Happy new year!

  3. I missed so many of your wonderful photos – can you put that on your 2011 list – update FLICKR … my favs —

    flamingos – your DOF is stunning!
    water balloons!
    you at the wedding!
    cookie dough

    I want a place to absorb all of your talents! – and a copy of that Ava photo _ I know I owe you some (ok a lot too) — lets swap soon!!!

    • Lindsey – thank you thanks you. We do need to swap mucho disc space of jpg files. You are my photo’g and I am yours.

  4. As everyone is doing these, they are so fun to look at – but I love your pro/con addition!

  5. I can’t get over the Easter baskets. They’re so pretty!

    • Crissy I’ll make one for you and knit a hat to put in it as well. Okay I lied. I’ll buy a cute hate for your pretty face to wear. xo

  6. Happy New Year!

    I love that despite all the troubles and issues you’ve had over the last year, you’re still really positive. 🙂


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by roxanne hack and Kathleen. Kathleen said: So many of you are in this retrospective. Thanks for making 2010 a stellar year! http://fb.me/NCCxInbs […]

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