3+3+4 = Tension Glass

Single Mom with 3 kids + 3 dogs was the title for 4 days. 

D.H. was in Las Vegas for March Madness at a stylish Vegas Casino Sport’s Book. He deserved a fun weekend with close friends and free cocktails while watching all the basketball he ever wanted. He is encouraged to go on this annual March Madness sabbatical, he deserves it like none other. 


However – this year was a touch difficult for his better half. 

A glimpse 

  • 1am 9yr old is on the verge of vomiting, needs TLC

  • 3am Maddox quietly wakes & eliminates ALL.OVER.THE.CARPET.EVERYWHERE.

  • 4am 5yr old stirs to relieve himself, steps in the matter, tracks ‘it’ throughout the house before wiping it off and returning to bed unrecognized.

  • 5am Daphney awakens to start OUR day – it’s dark “what is that smell?”

  • 6am DAWN – OMG what happened last night, why is there fecal matter everywhere?

  • 7am Maddox is in pain and will not move/eat/ask for a belly rub

  • 8am Begin laundry of 5yr olds bed linens – he didn’t clean off those feet real well.

  • 9am Maddox to the Vet

  • 10am negotiate-beg-cry to a long list of Carpet Cleaners to come sterilize this house IMMEDIATELY!

  • 12 noon 5 yr old in pain, ear infection.

  • 12:30pm consult with amazing Vet*, MacGyver Maddox needs to be stopped! He has gastroenteritis, fancy word for stomach and gut inflammation. Naughty boy made himself sick stealing food, Please read –> http://wp.me/pN4Oi-9N

  • 1pm pick up antibiotics for 5yr on pain medication

  • 3pm Carpet Cleaner* arrives, I kiss the ground he walks on (figuratively, not literally)

  • 4pm “Mommy What’s for Dinner?”

  • 4:30pm house on lock down while carpet cleaner is working up a sweat, sterilizing.

  • 5:30pm race to vet, before closing, to retrieve naughty MacGyver Maddox. He is on a “special” diet now.

  • 6:00pm discover the car has a flat tire


    This is when the Tension Glass beckoned. 

    While raising the glass, cheers to the many other multitasking friends out there, I send you hugs and support on those day when you: 


    “guess I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue”. 



    *Veterinarian Extordinare 


    JAMES J. WATSON, DVM: He began working at Villa Park Animal Clinic in 1982. He is an OUTSTANDING doctor and would trust him with my health.
    Suppporting Staff:
    ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: April (Thanks for all the support when Darcey’s time came)
    FRONT DESK RECEPTIONISTS: Lisa W., Debbie, and Lisa C. (part-time) (Standing Ovation)
    TECHNICIANS: Damien, Ally and Digna (All of you have seen me cry – appreciate your kindness)
    VETERINARY ASSISTANT: Lisa C. (Much love)
    KENNEL ASSISTANTS: Ann Marie (AM), Alyssa, and Nicole (all of you are outstanding) 

    *Carpet Cleaner Extrodinare



    All American Carpet Cleaning  

    by David Cirelli, (714) 612-9523 

    The carpet was sterilized and looks brand new – this company will forever be in the Rolodex. 

    Tomorrow will be a better day, or I am off to an undisclosed tropical location…. 

    Send you a post card after rehabilitation!


    1. OMG! I am still laughing/empathizing with the “worst day ever.” You are a total rock star for surviving!! I would NOT be sane after this day!

    2. marybeth Wakefield says

      Laughed my ass off at this one… soooooo been there!!!!!!!!!!Thank God for the Tension Glass, vets and carpet cleaners! I will have to tell you about our episode at 3:00 Christmas Eve, 3 hours before my family of “un” dog lovers arrived! We should have had Baileys in our coffee that day.

    3. Oh my goodness! I love it here! Everything is so clean and white and sparkly with pretty designs I wish I had on my blog, which now looks to me like your carpet did that horrible day.

      Can I come live here?

    4. Seriously. I want to live in this blog.


    1. […] I don’t know which program Maddox will choose,  however, the act of lying around in a food coma to relieve stomach tension caused from overeating is a common weekly occurrence in our home. And has made me close chums with my fabulous carpet cleaning guy David,  along with a stellar Vet bill to boot. For enlightenment  please read, (OYE)   —> http://kathleenssugarandspice.com/2010/03/22/334-tension-glass/ […]

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