Last Friday I was itchy to leave the house. The UCLA Theta 20th Reunion was calling. I kissed DH and the little people good-bye and was off to play with my Theta sisters. The destination was the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach for the weekend. I bring you today Part I from my camera […]
Opening a Film Time Capsule
Back in the day, sick I used a film camera. I thought about that old friend today. While updating picture frames in my oldest daughter’s room, store we came across a Film Time Capsule. Underneath the existing photo was a handful of photographic treasures I had left behind. All straight out of that trusted Canon […]
Mid Summer 2012
Hello Friends. How is your summer treating you? I hope your days have been chalked full of ice cream sundaes, slip-n-slides, and sheer coatings of sand on your flip-flops. Our summer has been a combo platter of good and not so good. The difficult stuff? Well, it began with He Had Been Hit By a […]