12 Years Ago

Time 8:27am, September 10, 2000. The nurse smiled, I mean really smiled, then rubbed my arm with force, “she may arrive a little blue and floppy honey.” I was 29 and completely inexperienced in labor and delivery. I thought the nurse meant my baby would be a touch tired after labor and have a slight discoloration. […]

Never Be Bored Again with Tori Spelling

Burbank, California was a happening place last Tuesday. A little on the warm side, but well worth it.  Dressed in pre-labor day white jeans, I grabbed the big girl  camera, jumped in the car, cruised up the 5 freeway to join in some Never Be Bored Again festivities with Tori Spelling. For the back story, […]

UCLA Theta Reunion Part II

UCLA Theta Reunion Part I can be found HERE Thank you Nikki for organizing the weekend. Thank you Sarah for the UCLA Theta Reunion Sunglasses for everyone. Thank you to those who flew in from all over the United States – way to rally Theta Style. Thank you Balboa Bay Club Thank you A Restaurant and […]