Hello Friends.
How is your summer treating you? I hope your days have been chalked full of ice cream sundaes, slip-n-slides, and sheer coatings of sand on your flip-flops.
Our summer has been a combo platter of good and not so good. The difficult stuff? Well, it began with He Had Been Hit By a Car, then my friend’s nieces accident. She is still in the PICU and needs your sparkly thoughts. Lastly, another friend’s daughter was hospitalized with salmonella. Three separate occasions reminding me just how fragile life can be. When the universe speaks to me in three’s, I listen. Listen hard. I was reminded to love my family a little deeper and support my friends in any way possible. Big thoughts tonight, I know. Can’t help it, my heart is heavy and anxious.
Let’s turn to some photos to balance things out, shall we? We will jump right it.
Food Network’s Cupcake Wars star Casey, opened her third store in Southern California. Her latest store is in Irvine and has a darling back-room for cupcake parties.
Her Daddy gave her both the cupcake and butterfly rings. I wanted to make them my very own.
She hosted the sweetest party for our crew and her generosity made me smile. Be sure to stop in one of her stores. There is a reason why she won best cupcakes on the Food Network, those cupcakes are delicious.
I love this photo. There has been lots of dancing. The ‘smurf’ was being resurrected here I believe.
Moving on to parties in Palm Springs.
114 degrees can make any water look amazing to the senses.
Even if it’s ice cold and raining down from above.
Be still my heart, my son and nephew.
Manicures and Shirley Temples.
Why do I love photography? It is capturing forever the things one sees in a moment. The laughter between old friends, doesn’t get much sweeter.
or tiny boo-boos with lemonade stands.
And finally, the Pilgramers. First watch the video, then see below:
They were the nicest group of fellas. I hope my middle man grows up to be just like them. Inspiring others to capture the world as they see it and
Share the beauty.
Those rings are something else! I wish I were closer so I could go nab a cupcake, too. Great photos!
Natalie recent posted..Time Management: A Full-Circle Attitude Adjustment
Oh I loved watching Cupcake Wars! I frequent Irvine for my son’s karate class so I’ll have to swing into the new store soon. I found you through Circle of Moms. Nice to ‘meet’ you.
Sisterlisa recent posted..I got it wrong