Bloggy Boot Camp in San Diego with my blogging peeps this past Saturday was exceptional. The speakers. The Bloggers. The Sponsors. The Friends. All a wonderful mix. I think I’m going to make Camp San Diego a series this week since there are stacks of good things to share. To begin with Lindsey (aka The Modchik) and […]
Homemade Tacos
This is Quinn and I sixteen years ago. We became friends seven years prior to this photo. We were two sorority sisters dating two fellas from Sigma Nu. Well, no rx those two fellas proposed and became our DH’s. The wedding photo above was a month after my DH and I tied the knot. When […]
Bootcamp with Mark and Kelly
Beyond all the photography and recipes post lately, I’ve been working on my lady lumps. You see, the waist line has been expanding in the last 9 months. No silly, not from pregnancy. It’s from my oversized calorie intake during Ode to Summer, followed by a sedentary Fall/Winter recovering from Play Dates at the Hospital. […]