Beyond all the photography and recipes post lately, I’ve been working on my lady lumps. You see, the waist line has been expanding in the last 9 months. No silly, not from pregnancy. It’s from my oversized calorie intake during Ode to Summer, followed by a sedentary Fall/Winter recovering from Play Dates at the Hospital. The consequences from these two back to back events were my most favorite pair of jeans were turning into jeggings. Sigh. I covet my Paige Premium Jeans (photo credit Nordstrom). They are expensive and the budget is not there to size up the ole denim closet. The time had come, I needed to get my ‘fitness on’ Fergie Style. 80’s headband and all.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been trying. However the food and the wine calories keep knocking at the door. Since I’m the welcoming type, I seem to let them hang out when ever they feel like it. The usual; Pilates, Cardio Sculpt Classes at the gym, and walking the Beagles have been dandy, but these efforts were not diminishing the
excess junk in the trunk. Yes. I needed to step things up significantly. Work-outs that pounded the midsection into obedience were now in order. Sarah at Whoorl and Shanna at My Favorite Everything had shared they both loved their respective Bootcamps. Their workouts had helped them eliminate recent baby weight and they both look fantastic. Bootcamp just may be what the Paige Premium Jeans ordered.
Enter Kelly, in phenomenal shape, with perfect timing. Kelly is from Just Spotted and According to Kelly. She sent out a tweet two weeks ago which made my right eyebrow lift.
It was Kismet. I could do this!
Due to Mommy responsibilities, a 5:30am Bootcamp was all that could be managed. Be that as it may, I really wanted to give this a try. Waking in pitch darkness, even though horrendous, was going to be my ticket for attendance and a tighter belly. After only one hit of the snooze button at 4:45am, I donned the Lululemon, combed the tresses and polished the teeth. While backing out of the driveway I was excited to see Kelly but thought to myself, it’s really @#$% damn early. Thank goodness the headlights of the car come on automatically because I was not there.
Upon arrival. Mark from Hit The Mark Fitness, pointed to a clip board to sign for disclosure stuff and cracked a few jokes. By the way, humor always works at 5:30am. After rolling out my workout mat, I learned of Mark’s theme for each day of the week:
Midsection Monday
Top Half/Triceps Tuesday
Wind Sprint Wednesday
Thigh Thursday
Full Body Friday
It was Monday, my food baby tummy growled not in hunger, but in protest. After blinking and whimpering a little I began:
Jumping Jacks, running in place, plank at the elbows, planks lifting the right leg then the left, Pilates V, sit-ups with feet in the air…. wait what…. Mark bolts out the front door and my fellow BootCampers chase after him. I fell in line to greet the rain and night sky – okay I was awake now.
We ran around the block, went up and down stairs, repeat that a second time, circled the block and did more stairs, met at a low wall for dips, push ups, combined with wind sprints thru the parking lot. Lawd….. it’s only been a half an hour.
Ran to another monument for plank with feet on the wall, more push ups, then another mad dash to return to the gym where it all began. Inside was patty cake plank with a partner, leg lifts, more sits ups – this time with weights. Life then became a blur. I do not remember the rest, Midsection Monday pummeled me.
I drove home at 6:45am pondering how sore I would be and was there Motrin Gel Caps in the medicine cabinet. Later that day Kelly gave me a pat on the back and encouraged me to join her again the next day.
Friends if you’ve been considering a BootCamp, try this one. It’s each morning at the Women’s Club near the Orange Circle. Mark makes 5:30am fun, challenging, and NO one is left behind. It is a good group of supportive people. See for yourself by checking out Mark’s video below:
I did return to Bootcamp and indeed I am seeing results. Good bye jelly tummy. Hello proper fitting jeans. Thank you Mark and thank you Kelly. Hope to see you there too friends. So we can ‘get our fitness on’ ~ Fergie Style.
Disclosure: I attended Hit the Mark Fitness Beach Body Bootcamp at no cost. Here is the thing, you can too. Register to attend Mark’s Bootcamp and your first week is free. Click HERE to register.
Loved the post! Great to have you working out with the rest of us 5:30 a.m.’ers!! See you tomorrow 😉
Your muscles must have been really pounded, sound so hard core! I am trying to work this into my schedule to meet you there. I agree 5:30am is bright and early. I’ll see what I can do!
Good for you! I’m super impressed with your resolve! You can do it!
My friend and I attended a free bootcamp session last fall and man, did it kick our bums! I was so stiff for the 3 – 4 days following that it hurt to walk up stairs and every time I sat for too long, my body would start to seize up, making it difficult to get up! haha.