BlogHer Operation Glory – Mission Accomplished

I have yet to write a bucket list.  I know.  It’s something that has been in the back of my mind for some time.  I just need to get it down on paper.  In the mean time, I would love to share an entry that I just marked complete. #4 FLASH MOB. For a little back […]

Just a taste of BlogHer 2011

Before we have time to sit down and chat about all the wonderful-ness of Blogher 2011 San Diego. As well as explain what the heck ‘BlogHer’ is to the folks that are scratching their heads.  Here are a few photos to wet your whistle. Yes. You got it right. Lots of food, medicine friends, treatment fun and […]

Dear Photograph, I Love You.

Dear Photograph is a fascinating project where you capture a picture from the past in the present. Taylor Jones began this project just three months ago in May.   Taylor is pictured above at age 5 outside his childhood home.  Taylor’s caption reads, ask “Dear Photograph, prostate I looked good in a tux. @TJ.”  This is how it all […]