Newport Coast Winter Weather

We spent most of the day at Newport Beach yesterday.  I realize it’s winter out there and in most parts of the county it’s cold, snowy cold.  Heck, even in Southern California, temperatures should only be in the mid-60’s. But for whatever reason, Mother Nature changed things up for Orange County and sent warm weather, thermometers along Newport […]

A Lovely Life Recipe for 2012

Dear Todd, rx Diane and Sierra {aka White on Rice Couple}, Your video is everything I wish to dedicate and share with my family and friends this first day of 2012. It is beautiful and brings tears to my eyes.  Happy loving tears. In 2012, I look forward to spending time with you and all those who nourish, […]

Grammie’s Parker House Dinner Rolls

  Grammie’s parents separated when she was a toddler.  Her mom, to support her only daughter, rented out rooms in their home to offer family income.  Grammie grew up as a pair of hands to help her Mom run their boarding home. She assisted in cooking two meals a day for their 1920′s boarders.  Below was […]