All Good Dogs Deserve These Treats

Check out these wonderful New Doggie accessories at Crate and Barrel.  They make your four legged friends feel a little more part of the family.             And my Favorite:   set of 4 Dog Bone Toys for $39.80          Enjoy your weekend friends.    

The tale of two tomatoes: Mexican Pico De Gallo vs. Italian Bruschetta

The food of choice this Tuesday is the “Tomato“. I admit, I never used to like tomatoes, simply was not a fan of the seeds and pulp factor. However, as I have grown older, I have found a new respect for them. I now seek out fresh salsa and when I tried Bruschetta, l realized […]

Maya Angelou – Wordy Wednesday

“People will forget what you said, cialis sale   people will forget what you did, there    but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou             Kathleen