Personalities Emerge

Dogs have definite unique personalities and if you listen they will tell you. Maddox thought he was the king, there help he told me his middle name was Elvis. Buddy was quite and responsive, cialis shall we say the sweet sensitive type? The two made for the perfect pair, one looking after the other. They […]

The Lover Boy’s… two 15″ Beagles settle in

Darcey was a 13″ Sporting Beagle.  A petite dainty Beagle compared to these two manly boys. Resembling small Labrador’s, these boys were both larger than Darcey by 20 lbs at least. Especially for Maddox, the Lemon, he had fat rolls – please forgive me Maddox. My two oldest and Darling Husband (DH) hit it off with these Lover Boys instantly. It was different for me […]

Facebook Message – a Beagle mommy reaching out.

The same day Darcey passed, a stylist posted a message on Facebook. I did not know her.   A mutual life long friend, Paige, did.  Paige sent me the following message with photos from her stylist…. “Hi everyone, I am looking for someone who may be interested in adopting my two beagles. either for short term while I […]