Halloween Photo Tips

  After a few folks asked for some picture-taking advice this past week,  I decided to sit down and put it in a post.  Oh and if you have a favorite capture from Halloween, please email it to  ksugarandspice @ gmail . com.  I’ll share the pic here on the ole blog for all of […]

Time for Reflection

Honor the survivors.  Honor the missing.  Honor the police and fire who responded.  Honor the families left behind.  Your sacrifice and grace is the true legacy of 9/11. Honor the long road to recovery, there and protect those that are too young to remember.

What NOT to Wear to a FlashMob

I know. I know. This post is supposed to be about what I wore last week.  A recap of fashion sorts.  Well, today is special.  BLOGHER special.  I do wish to capture the attire from last week, but I also want to heed a warning.  A bold warning. What NOT to Wear to a FlashMob   […]