He was fresh out of the oven and had the most amazing disposition; peaceful, ask observant, malady and oh so easy-going. These were the gifts given to him by his parents. Sawyer watched my camera and simply studied it with quite curiosity. He was gorgeous to photograph. But it was a difficult shoot, tears kept […]
As the World Turns in the OC, California
Hello Friends. I have been away from the ole blog for a bit for a few reasons. One, Orange County has been hugely busy this June and Two, I have a pain in my ass lower back. This pesky pain does not allow me to sit down for long. We are looking into it, no […]
It’s a Wonderful Life
Bonds with my oldies, sick but goodies. To set the record straight, I’m referring to friendships here, not age. Come on. However, after last night, I am definitely feeling it. Slow on the up-start and coffee did not help. Aleve Gel caps were my panacea of choice. Let’s just say I was licking my wounds. […]