Pico de Gallo

This recipe can last up to 3 days refrigerated in a covered container if it makes it that long. Ever since I started making this Pico de Gallo, cialis store bought salsa has become unappetizing. I call this “Pico Salsa” because Mexican Salsas can range from pico de gallo, which contains chopped tomatoes, onions and cilantro, to salsa […]

Cheese Tart Appetizer Recipe for Thanksgiving

Hi Friends, Happy Friday to ya.    This was my first recipe post from last April. I’m reposting it today in the spirit of Thanksgiving Feasts to be prepared in the upcoming weeks. Besides, my computer and I are in the midst of a fencing competition and it’s winning. Darn you Sony Vaio.    See you next week, hopefully […]

How to Make Perfect Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

First carve your pumpkins and get those seeds out of that stringy matter, ampoule pills a j.o.b. for the little ones.   Then rinse the pulp off the seeds. Using a colander is handy. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Since each year our pumpkins deliver different quantities of seeds, here is a handy-dandy table […]