Since last we spoke

I know it has been awhile. My friend Stacie along with a few others have been prodding me to write.  You know who you are.

They know that life has been taking front seat, shot-gun style, combined with the fact I simply became – shall I say, lazy.  I thank them for rubbing my back and telling me to get back on that horse.

To start with there have been two paramount reasons why writing has grinded to a halt….

IMG_4711 buddy 2maddox2

They both passed away.

Buddy due to a cancer we did not know about. One week he was fine and dandy, the next week he was gone. We spent a bazillion dollars trying to keep him with our family but it was his time. Not ours. It happended over the summer.

Maddox was another story. He became blind a year ago and was managing fine. As a matter of fact, his nose took over for his senses and it became a divining rod for our pantry. You should see the teeth marks on the cabinets he attempted to bust open all for the smell of food hidden inside. Graham Crackers are really that enticing to a canines? Take my word, for Beagles, it definitly is.

When the day came he longer cared for his food bowl we knew his time was limited. Not soon after we helped him go into the light with everyone present. Death for children is difficult and my only advice is something I took from of all places Caillou. In one particular show a bird had died and Caillou asked (in his whining voice) “Grandpa why did the bird have to die?” The grandfather responded,

“because his body simply stopped working”

and that has been my mantra of late.

A happier post next okay?

Here’s to Buddy and Maddox and the joy they brought my children.

Mucho Besos,



  1. Yay she’s back!! And RIP to two cool Beagles, glad I knew them .

  2. Glad to see that you’re back, my Friend!

  3. Beagle kisses to you and family. Your family gave Maddox and Buddy the bestest life a beagle could ever ask for. They are dancing in doggie heaven now and all the creatures that meet them are saying, “I wanna come back as a beagle, can I, can I?? please!”
    Love to you and family and of course our beautiful Daphney!
    Warm Holiday wishes to you and family, and as always, loved the Christmas Card

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