5 Things

Yes. There are a multitude of things to blog about today. Some good, look others not so good. I am going to keep it to a simple list of 5 things.

Fashion Island 2011-209

1. Peace Love and Cookies :: here some are links to my past recipes

Roll Out Cookie Recipe

Macadamia Nuts Congo Bars Recipe

Chocolate Pecan Rolo Cookie Recipe

Reese’s Peanut Butter Minis Cookie Recipe

Mexican Wedding Cakes Cookie Recipe

C’est Magnifique Madeleine Cookie Recipe

2. Before Persimmons are out of season, I’ll be making a Persimmon Pear Caprese Toast

fall 2012 086

3. Daphney is 3 years old today. She likes to eat at 7:00am on the dot, snuggles in tight at night and still gives kisses with her cold nose. Cooking by my side is also a favorite, especially breakfast burritos.

4. I started a Pure Barre class recently. Since my blender is shot I can no longer make my favorite morning shake. It helps me endure the Barre torture.  I’m contemplating asking for either a Vitamix or a Blendtec for the holiday? Any advice out there as to which one is superior?

Last but not least,

5. This is a must read from another Blogger. Her name in Liza Long and our family supports her.

holiday smooches,



  1. Nice post. It’s time to tone up for this summer!! Pure Barre is exercised at its best. The technique is joint-friendly and builds long, lean muscles without bulk. You’ll be amazed at how effective the small movements are in burning fat and in toning and lifting all of your trouble spots, including abs, hips, butt, and arms. Forget about the stresses of the outside world while you jam to fantastic music and transform your body, one tiny lift at a time. And The Studio Fusion is a new breed to the group fitness studios. Hurry up!! Limited offer!! Visit http://www.studio-fusion.net/ for more details.

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