Food From My Frontier by Ree Drummond

Ree Drummond is also known as The Pioneer Woman. She is the wife of a rugged sexy chaps wearing cowboy (all those adjectives are correct) and mother of four fun-loving children on The Drummond Ranch in Oklahoma. She has horse, and sometimes cow, poop on her front porch more times than she likes to admit.  But don’t get me wrong, she is a classy southern woman.  She is a city girl turned rancher’s wife who blogs about her life on the ranch.  We met last year at her Los Angeles book signing. For a refresher of the day, you can read about it here, The Pioneer Woman Stopped by to Say Hiya. Go ahead, I’ll wait….

What I failed to mention in the post, after she signed the twenty books Lindsey and I plopped in her lap, was that she snapped this picture with her trusted Nikon and 35mm lens.

ree pic


It was sweet to see our faces on her blog.  It made us feel special.  We felt the warm and fuzzies from Oklahoma zig zag their way back to California over the internet. Since then we have become blogger friends and she is a favorite. Always has been. Even though she went to USC and I’m her cross town rival, we are proof Trojans and Bruins can coexist happily.

Today I wanted to share with you Ree’s second cookbook. You go girl!  She sent me an advanced copy of her latest project.  The photography, the recipes, and its organization are quintessential Ree. Practically perfect in every way.

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I think you will love it friends. Need help with party foods and drinkies? Check out this chapter, ‘Starters, Party Food, and Drinks’! Marife take note, there are plenty of Bunco ideas here!

Would you just get a load of that patient puddy-tat. The ‘kitteh’ is a boy by the way, which makes this photo all the more splendid.  I wonder if Daphney the Beagle would let me adorn her with Gigi’s jewels and hold still for a photograph? Yeah, probably not.

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Back to the food, glorious food. Another obsession of late is German Chocolate Cake. I think about it constantly. Maybe that is the reason this recipe jumps off the pages. Come now. How can you go wrong with buttermilk, coconut and chopped pecans? I am dying to try this.

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Our house has also been on a noodle kick lately. When the youngest catches me making a bowl of noodles, she runs to grab not only a spoon, but a fork. She dives-in while sitting on my lap.  It can be messy, but I love it.  Please stop growing baby, Mama demands it.  I think I’m going to put these noodle recipes in standard rotation at base camp. It is a subliminal plan. I intend to keep my little people around longer in their adult years by saying, “stay for a little while longer honey, Mama’s gonna make some of P-Dubs noodles”.

Jewel mint and ree cookbook 018What I also love about Ree’s second cook book are the variation she added. She gives you the basic recipe and then adds simple suggestions to change things up. Perfect for the beginning cook who wants to conquer the dish. Then have a variation to try once they feel confident with recipe at hand. Brilliant! There are so many more chapters you will love, Soups, Pasta and Pizza, and Supper. The Ranch-Style Chicken is a ‘Supper’ family favorite. Chicken, bacon and cheese, straight up or in a sandwich, either way you choose it is delectable.  Thanks Ree for your second cookbook.  We love it.

Would you like a copy too?  Food From My Frontier is available for preorder and will arrive March 13.

Here’s where you can pre-order the cookbook:

Barnes and Noble
Indie Bound

You can read more about Ree’s adventures, her cooking, and photography on her website, at One more thing, The Food Network also loves Ree, her second season of the The Pioneer Woman Cooks on Food TV is currently airing. You can tune into her show Saturdays at 10am/9c.

Good job Ree! Can’t wait to see you the next time California is on the ole schedule.  Looking forward to it.



  1. German Chocolate Cake !!!!!!!!!! Awesome. Only the best chocolate cake there is.

  2. I cannot wait to get my hands on this cookbook. I JUST ordered it – Thanks Kathleen!

  3. Thanks for sharing some of the yummy recipes and gorgeous pictures from Ree’s new cookbook. I just pre-ordered my copy!
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  4. Melissa Taylor says

    That cake does jump off the pages. I can’t wait to see what eles is in there. I have always loved her food photos. Off to order mine and tape her next show. 🙂

  5. Linda Tessem says

    Actually, the cake that was shown in the photograph is not a German Chocolate Cake, but is “Billie’s Italian Cream Cake”. I too, got an advance copy of the book – just because! It’s wonderful!!!!

    • Kathleen says

      Linda, I think I shall make both! The common denominator for both cakes are the buttermilk, coconut and pecans (drool). Since I love the basic ingredients to a German Choclate cake, I just know I’lll love Billie’s Italian Cream Cake. Didn’t mean to confuse you. I’ll be sure to save you a slice -xo 😉

  6. Linda Tessem says

    I’m not a fan of coconut (is that wrong?), but I’m still planning on making Billlie’s Cream Cake – just without the cocounut in the frosting! And, I wasn’t confused – I just didn’t want anybody looking for a German Chocolate Cake recipe in the book!

  7. Um, you’re friends with the Pioneer Woman? You’re so cool. I’m sorta jealous. I have her first book and it’s so pretty, can’t wait to see the second one!
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