Packing Up Memories

The mid-west was both nice and cold by all accounts this week.

grammies house edit

I had never seen my Grammie’s home buried under a foot of white pristine snow. It seemed appropriate that the cold weather came with the cold hard task of packing up her precious belongings.  That is where I spent the last 5 days.

Was it difficult; painful and full of tears? Yep.  It definitely was.

Edits-0018Upon arrival, I plopped down on her loveseat.  I felt that any moment she would come from around the corner with a giggle and sparkle in her eye.  I even caught myself wanting to holler, “Grammie where are you toots?”  I didn’t.  Instead, tears landed on folded hands. “I know.  I feel the same” said my mom sitting beside me.

Long exhale.

We stood and slowly walked to her bedroom. I paused at her closet. Her fashionably feminine wardrobe brought on even bigger waves of emotion.  The pink dress from my wedding, Christmas sweater I photographed her in, and her favorite black pant suit all lingered on hangers.  Shoes in clear boxes, knitting bags, and first aid kits all neatly organized resurrected images of my Grammie.  The tears could not be stopped.

She was gone.  It hurt.  Crying was the only pacifier.

I know.  I can hear you.  Kathleen, this a nice bloggy place meant for inspiration and delightful finds.  Why do you bring the sad?

Fort_Wayne_1 157I suppose I wanted to share, despite the difficult agenda, that the week was okay and at times, enchanting.  Drawers and cabinets became delights; full of treasures and memories that made me laugh and love her even more.

Hummel figurines, cans of macadamia nuts, and bottles of Tiffany perfume, all in twos and threes.  Never can get too much of a good thing. Her personal belongings and how she kept them were touching and at the same time inspiring. So inspiring, as I am traveling at 40,000 feet, I think of how I need to get my home in the OC in order.

Fort_Wayne_1 281It was healing as I flipped through her hand written notes on how to make wine. She still had a jug in the pantry.   I found photos of her and Grandpa hosting all kinds of parties.  I even found a 3″ rubber-band ball in the laundry room (Remember that she was a young adult during the depression). They all made my heart smile.

Her home and how she lived was so special. I’m so glad I could pay homage to it and be inspired to make my home a little more homey and organized.

That is the inspiration she and I bring you today.

And thanks Grammie for making my trip so warm and cozy.  Miss you toots.

me and grammie Jan 2010

Have a good weekend friends,



  1. Sorry for your loss. Memories are so important!

  2. Sniff sniff. Love you Leen! I can only imagine.
    But at the same time what a special time for u n ur momma. Xoxo big hugs

  3. Nancy Lindley says

    Dear Kathleen,
    Thank you for such a nice tribute to your gandmother. I never saw her home, but I had a visual of it in my mind via your mother. One thing which always impressed me was that she and your grandfather had a driveway which heated and melted the snow. I always wondered why everyone in snow country didn’t have an electric driveway.
    Your story made me seriously think of cleaning my cupboards!
    Love to you and your mother,

  4. Sigh. I’m sorry K. It’s always so amazing to look through their things and really see how they lived… what inspired them. What pieces that they loved… Even though you would trade all of that for one more day. 🙁
    Ashley @ It’s Fitting recent posted..Breaking Out My O Face

  5. I love how you write about your Grammie. Such love and adoration. As sad as it must have been to go through her things, I can just imagine all the memories from her life as well and yours the came back as you packed up from room to room. What a joy it turned out to be. Hugs to you Kathleen.
    Heather recent posted..Feelin’ Fantastic

  6. This is beautiful, Kathleen.

  7. wow. I just stumbled across your blog and this post caught my attention right away. thanks SO much for putting it out there. really. feel free to “bring on the sad,” because that’s a part of life, and a part of you. And by sharing this story, you’ve shared a piece of Grammie’s life, as well. ; ) thanks.

  8. So special. The cold picture and the warm sentiments are perfect together. Thank you for sharing. One note: I cannot imagine your home being more organized.


  1. The Ring says:

    […] for a short time after Grammie passed.  It was unaccounted for in the months following her burial. We all were. Thankfully, it found its way back into our heart and hands. My mother wears it now, everyday. […]

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