These are My Girls

I have two videos to share today.  I hope they brighten your day with a smile and/or giggle.

First up. The Sparklecorn Party at Blogher in San Diego: Night Dos. There is just something about witnessing hundreds of women, medicine dressed to “sparkle”, prescription dancing with complete and total abandon, having the time of their lives.

The video is from MamaPop is a site where you can absorb “smart pop culture analysis, commentary, merciless fun-making and other sundry awesome, dished up daily by parents, for parents, and anyone else who understands that playtime is better with vodka.”  The MamaPop group are fun-loving people filled with awesome-sauce.  I have no idea how they shot this video. The room was pretty dark. I am beyond amazed by it’s picture quality.  I suppose that awesome-sauce gives off camera super powers.  I need to look into that. Check it out.


That dueling Unicorn Cake at the end of the video, was it not pretty amazing? Well, it was provided by none other than Ace of Cakes.  Delicious and larger than life, thanks Chef Duff Goldman.  And that song All Is Love by Karen O and the Kids is now my ringtone, front doorbell chime, and horn on my ride.  Love it.

Thank you Your video is ultra-rockin-superb.  Upon showing it to DH, I realized all the fine shots of me, shaking my lady lumps, ended up on the cutting room floor.  I’ll have a do over in NYC 2012?  Just be ready for my fancy moves.  I foresee high kicks and backbends, I’ll be bringing my A-game.  You have been forewarned.

Next up is my sweet funny girl Mary. You caught a glimpse of her in the above video.  Well she is on the verge of hitting it big.  So big, I can feel it in my bones.  She is auditioning here for Bridesmaids II, in her mind that is.  Word to the wise, make sure you go to the bathroom before watching.


Mary, smooches. See you next month at the San Diego Film Festival.

Shall I wear a Bridesmaid Dress? Just remember…

It is not good to have a big meal before a fitting.


Not for me. I naturally just don’t bloat.


  1. I love you, girl! You are full of such awesome energy and I am so thankful to have you as a friend! Can’t wait to see you next month, and yes, let’s wear Bridesmaid dresses! : )xoxo
    Mama Mary recent SITS day mashup

  2. “it’s a mystery…..
    Where you’ll find me, where you’ll find
    All is Love, is love, is love, is love”
    That is so YOU KATHLEEN.

    See you in NYC

  3. Love the videos! Looks like I soooo missed out on THE dance party of the year! and um… Mama Mary? HILARIOUS!
    Heather recent posted..Summer Fun: The Library (with a free download)

  4. I love that song too! Totally downloaded it this weekend!
    Wendy recent posted..Instagram Friday

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