4th of July Recap

photo 4 (3)photo 3 (3)

The Beagle Brigade was not happy about Canine Camp.

4th of July 2011-001

We were off to Huntington Beach for……

4th of July 2011-0054th of July 2011-034

No training wheels

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Food and Friendships

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Ice Cream Runs

4th of July 2011-0814th of July 2011-054

Gin Rummy

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Long awaited victories

4th of July 2011-1314th of July 2011-143

5k and Parade on Pacific Coast Highway

4th of July 2011B-0294th of July 2011B-018

Hammocks and Lemonade

4th of July 2011-1464th of July 2011B-007

Sunshine all over

4th of July 2011B-030

Elvis Music at 6am

4th of July 2011B-033

Growing up

4th of July 2011B-036


4th of July 2011B-0374th of July 2011B-044

4th of July 2011B-038

and fireworks from the balcony at Zamzala.

Hope you had a great weekend – smooches, pills recipe



  1. I love love love these photos. I try each year to get pics of fireworks. They NEVER turn out. Your are so great. Any tips for next year ?

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