After spending an entire evening last year reading Ree’s draft copy of Black Heel’s a Love Story on her Blog, I couldn’t wait for more. The story was about a college graduate, who went home to prep for the LSAT in Oklahoma. She was visiting for only six weeks and would then be off to Chicago to take on big City Glamour and hopefully attend a prestigious Law School. During this hometown stop over, her friend asked her to drop by a local bar for a nightcap. Little did Ree know destiny would be waiting for her. She arrived and met the man of her dreams. You will have to read the book to see how it all unfolds. (I don’t want to spoil anything) So there I was at my computer, curious to see what happened after that sexy cowboy, Marlboro Man, proposed. But, The Pioneer Woman, Ree, had to finish writing her story first. Months passed and eventually Ree announced her book would be available on Amazon for pre-ordered. I scurried to the internet to process my request and did some happy claps after I pressed ::submit order:: Immediately following my purchase I sent a message to my sister from another mother, Lindsey Garrett {aka The Modchik}, to make sure she knew the book was within reach. Because that’s what friends do.
We both anxiously awaited for its release date and book signing tour details. In the mean time we continued to follow The Pioneer Woman’s blog, entered photo submission, (Ree selected our ‘Love’ and ‘Cat’ captures in her photography assignments semi finals – such an honor and so much fun!) and we shared recipes on Tasty Kitchen.
We enjoyed all of Ree’s posts about the City Girl living on a beautiful sprawling cattle ranch in the Heart land of America. We couldn’t wait to meet our daily inspiration who already felt like a close friend.
When the day of the book signing finally arrived, we were struggling with Mommy responsibilities and time frames. Wrist bands at 9am in L.A.? I couldn’t get a Hall Pass to leave Orange County before 3pm. We would be last in a line of eleventy million people. Were we destined to be horribly late and miss our window of opportunity for meeting The Pioneer Woman? My heart sank.
But all was not lost. The amazing Lindsey, early that morning, jumped in her car and drove to The Groves in Los Angeles.
She picked up two wrist bands, then returned BACK to the OC to pick me up. That is the equivalent of 3.5 hours of LA/OC driving friends. All the while she kept me aware of her progress via Twitter.
Standing Ovation @Modchik. I love ya.
Together we made it back to Los Angeles with a skip in our step and headed straight to Barnes and Noble. Proudly displaying our Orange wrist bands, we were whisked back to the staging area. {Insert Raiders of the Lost Arc music}.
Right on time, with a beautiful smile, Ree arrived. She sat down and prepared to say ‘Hiya’ to the eleventy million folks there to met her, like the true Southern Lady she is.
She definitely has a weak spot for the wee ones. It’s delightful to watch her glow with adoring eyes. You could feel how much she missed her family back on the Ranch.
Being approachable and warm, she channeled everything we had come to know about her. Lindsey and I prepared our cameras and before we knew it we were escorted to the table.
Here is where is gets super sweet.
Through Lindsey’s tweets that morning, Ree recognized us from our Twitter Avatars. She stood up and asked for a special hug. While chatting she signed a mountain of books happily. Of course we took a mountain of photos happily, because that’s what bloggers do.
At this very moment all I just wanted to do is put on my slippers, wash off my makeup and the three of us talk ‘girl talk’ the rest of the night. About bath time for Charlie, Ladd’s 4th of July Fireworks, wonderful blog finds, Crème Brule and Tiramisu recipes and of course good Sushi Rolls ad nauseam.
psst, Lindsey’s Tiramisu recipe can be found HERE
But those eleventy million folks would have been very disappointed. And everyone deserves the chance to met such a wonderful person.
As we were saying our good-byes, I wiped a happy tear. Ree then asked if she could have a photo of Sugar and Spice and The Modchik. We happily obliged. She even included us in her post about bringing babies to book signings. .
You can see more of The Pioneer Woman’s photostream on Flickr HERE.
Lindsey and I then went to dinner and celebrated a great 2010 year in review. Thanks Ree darlin’ for being such an inspiring part of it. Next time the three of us met we’ll have sushi and a bottle of wine or Vevue at an undisclosed location in pajamas and fuzzy slippers.
Now on to the GIVEAWAY – let’s share some of that love and inspiration! One of my favorite sections of The Pioneer Woman’s website is her cooking and Tasty Kitchen. She prepares recipes and takes amazing photographs to help you make it yourself. Sound familiar? Well she published a cookbook in 2009 and she signed one for you last Monday.
Inside she shares her ranch stories, photography, creativity and wonderful recipes.
Like Lindsey said in her post, this Mashed Potatoes recipe is the last one you will ever need.
Did I forget to mention, Ree is a dog lover too?
Yes, all this and more. Just leave a comment below and you will be entered to win this signed cookbook. Be sure to jump on over to The Modchik’s website afterwards to enter for your chance at a signed copy of Black Heels to Tractor Wheels. HERE
Both Giveaways ends February 14th.
oh and one more thing….
Ree, I leave you with this my friend. A beagle baby capture to warm the hearts of you and Charlie, if he is awake.
Until we met again
Awwwww, I loveeed this post! How fun – and that’s so awesome that she recognized you girls! I went to a book signing to meet my FAVORITE author EVER {Jen Lancaster} last May and she recognized me from twitter – I flipped out and did was on a blogging high when I posted about it. Ree is amazing and I LOVE her cookbook, I got it for Christmas!
Before I comment about your post, I have to tell Lindsay (LW) how jealous I am that she got to meet Jen Lancaster, who is one of my favorite authors! Kathleen, you have inspired me with your recipes and since The ModChik introduced us, I am an avid follower of both of you. Now, I’ve discovered Ree and I can’t wait to try those mashed potatoes (although my kids are big fans, they may love these). Great post and I am so happy that you got to meet her in person! I have to get out more, for real!
Lindsay and Peggy. I must look into Jen Lancaster. She sounds wonderful. (hugs) to both of you.
So jealous that you got to meet Ree! She is a talented woman. I don’t have any of her books, but would absolutely love to read the humor and good information of her cookbook.
Thank you for the giveaway!
I am insanely jealous. I bet she was just a sweet as could be.
I feel the same way as you did when I read her blog, I want to curl up on the couch, with cup of coffee (or wine) and just sit and chat with her. She is as real as it gets and her blog reflects that. I am halfway through her book right now and I have laughed and cried. I LOVE the story.
She’s a gem and you are so lucky to have met her.
That sounds like such a great day. The puppy is really cute,too. I would love to have this book.
Kathleen! I am sooo excited for you! I am so glad you got to meet Ree! Someday there will be eleventy million people lined up for you, too, my dear!
seriously your best work yet!! wowza… I ditto what Ally says!!! What’s YOUR book going to be about??
Lindsey and Ally – Thank you. I’ll let you know when my Editor forwards my draft to our publisher.
Sounds like a great day! Sounds like a great book…a wonderful addition to my cookbook collection!
Awww… love this post! Ree seems just as delightful in person and she is on her blog. I wanted to drive up to LA, but too many responsibilities that day! Maybe someday she’ll come to OC!! I love this cookbook and have tried several of her recipes – and yet somehow I don’t have my own copy … yet! I am a fairly new stalker … I mean reader of your blog and I adore your style!
I wish SOOOO much I could attend one of Ree’s signings. I’m new to this blogging world. I’d love to win her book.
I adore your website and your STYLE! Thank you so much for this giveaway I would love to win a signed cookbook from The Pioneer Woman. WOW
Good Food and Wine are your thing, me too! I wish I lived in California so we could meet and perhaps cook a meal together. Putting my hat in the ring…. please let it be me.
Leen i love reading your blog. Always cheers me. Im droppin my name in the bucket.
Beencooking over Here! And i need that book and inspriration.
Sounds like a great read.
Mahalo for your inspiration you give me daily. Love you. Keep it up
As I said to modchik earlier this year, I am on a mission for new and tasty recipes for my family. I’ve tried some of hers and I believe she even dared to try mine. Ree sounds fabulous and I would love a copy of her cookbook. Btw, still sounds like the Lindsey I knew back in elementary and HS … whatever it takes to get it done.
So glad she did the OC-LA dash and you two got to the front of the line (so to speak.)
Such an adventure getting to LA to meet Ree… Lindsey sounds like a great friend! I look forward to reading this book (now that I’ve been enlightened by you) and hopefully a movie will be made soon. I read that the movie rights have been sold to Columbia Pictures and that Reese Witherspoon is rumored to be playing Ree. *Happy Claps* (I love happy claps by the way!)
ps… I’m a Okie Girl too
Ree is such a great lady. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love Ree!! Wish I could have got to Denver to see her yesterday, but it was not meant to be for me this time. Hope she tours again when Charlie the Ranch Dog comes out. Meanwhile living vicariously through blogs of folks who DID get to go!!
EXCELLENT POST!! Who doesn’t love Ree…and her site, and her children, and her cooking and CHARLIE!! Well, who doesn’t love absolutely everything about her?!?! She is definitely the reason I even found this whole blogging world!! So happy for you both to have gotten to meet her..and to get your photo on her site – WOW!!! YAHOO!!!
oh and your puppy…awwwww so precious!!!
When I was looking through PW’s post, I was like “Whoa! That totally looks like Kathleen from Sugar & Spice. No, I must be fooling myself.” But it really was you, so that’s really exciting!
I received my copy of Black Heels to Tractor Wheels in the mail today – I am so excited to start reading it!
What a full circle moment to meet Ree!! Kathleen and Lindsay you are inspiring to so many women. Keep paying it forward ladies
I’m so jealous you got to meet Ree! I have been following her blog for a long time! You inspire me, friend. You are a delight always!