Project 365 {Day 5 thru 25}

Time for a little housekeeping. 

Here is an update to the 365 Project.

 {One photo a day in 2011}

Can I do it?

Only time will tell.

Bruxie Waffles

 Day Five ~ Bruxie Waffles


Baroque - nightnam 

Day Six ~  Jealous?



Day Seven ~ The Calm after the Storm


 bowling anaheim 300 1-7-11

Day Eight ~ Kingpin


Baroque - nightnam-2

Day Nine ~ Daphney


Baroque - nightnam-4

Day Ten ~ Questions


Baroque - nightnam-3

Day Eleven ~ Nap time x2


Baroque - nightnam-5

Day Twelve ~ Good Morning Sunshine



Day Thirteen ~ Mine


Baroque - nightnam-7

Day Fourteen – Sugar Loading


Day Fifteen ~ McDonald’s


Baroque - nightnam-2

Day Sixteen ~ Missing the sparkle


Intimacy OC Shop Talk-24

Day Seventeen ~ Pink Loves Brown


Day Eighteen ~ Agreement


Intimacy OC Shop Talk-78

Day Nineteen ~ Come Fly Away


Intimacy OC Shop Talk-79

Day Twenty ~ Cha Cha


Intimacy OC Shop Talk-73

Day Twenty One ~ Diamonds and Pearls


Intimacy OC Shop Talk-40

Day Twenty Two ~ Resemblances


Day Twenty Three ~ Welcome Home Party


Day Twenty Four ~ Signs of Spring



Day Twenty Five ~ Mans Best Friend



  1. oooh I love days 13 and 19!

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