What I learned on Emmy night; a list

I sat down to write a post about a delightful find and something became distracting beyond compare:

The Emmy’s

Here is a list of what I learned tonight, in no particular order.

  1. Jane Lynch, loved her acceptance speech, Sue Sylvester your award was so well deserved.
  2. Jon Hamm is on my island, such a sexy devil, @bernthis and @momfluential are you listening?
  3. The Glee-tastic opener with those special guest including Tina Fey And Kate Gosselin was splendid.
  4. Yes, it was anti-climatic for Jimmy to abuse a bottle of Vueve to close the show @modchik.
  5. I am going to miss Oprah too.
  6. Dress tape or an Intimacy bra fit is in order for a couple ladies on stage receive awards.
  7. Kyra Sedgwick is darling.
  8. Did I mention Jon Hamm?
  9. I must start watching/recording/weekly waiting for Modern Family.
  10. True Blood’s Alexander Skarsgård can wear a tuxedo like none other.

Before the list of winners, I was able to get some work behind the scenes of Sugar and Spice accomplished before the Emmy distraction. You have two new things to check out; Delightful Links and new Photo Albums. The Delightful Links are inspiring blogs of talented friends I visit often – I wanted to share the goodness. You can see them by clicking the word ‘Delightful Links’ in the black strip above. The Photo Album link can be found in the right column. Scroll down to find the photograph featuring a piece of art (a ballerina), click on it and you will find five photo albums for your viewing pleasure;

  • {Beagle Brigade}
  • {Summer Photo Series 2010}
  • {Secret is in the Sauce – S.I.T.S}
  • {Love}
  • {San Francisco}

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  1. Opening number was hot… Great show. Happy for Jane, Top Chef, and thought Gervais won the award for best presenter. Like that Kate doesn’t take her too seriously, and think George Clooney probably does.

    • Steve, absolutely true with all your points. I knew you would be a Siskel to my Ebert. I also need to update my Delightful Link page to ad THE BUSH REPORT! Thanks for the Managers Special Tip.

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