My children call her Gigi (aka my Grammie)

This is my Grammie. She will be 97 years young this month. (update 98! this year) I don’t know how I’m going to write this post. I’m already fighting back tears. Pause please. Okay. I think about her daily, rx my thoughts are sweet, capsule they put a smile on my face. She raised my […]

Battle of the Breeds – Animal Planet Style

I’ve been told my oldest is a mini-me. I could not be given a better compliment. She has now taken up photography and wants to share it with the world via Sugar and Spice. As a supportive Mommy, doctor I could not be prouder. A few weeks back Animal Planet asked for contributors for the […]

Ode to Summer

Hello Friends. I’ve got bits of summer to share with you it is in full swing way into 90 degree these days been doing hot weather things drinking from glasses over following with ice cubes. Confessing to my friends the waist has additional inches why proud?  a delicious summer  eating all sorts of delights some […]