Dahlstrom Halloween Splendor

I would like to introduce you to my friend Coby Dahlstrom. We went to college together. I love to see what she dreams up for her family’s Halloween Costumes each year She is a very creative gal; they are always terrific. So in spirit of the Holiday today, I would like to share a recap […]

FRIENDSHIP – What is in your wallet?

The first time I met Lindsey it was in a gathering of mutual friends. We were strangers. Feeling silly and boisterous, I told her to be quiet because she “talked” way too much. The irony, she was as quiet as a church mouse. She laughed at my request and we have been friends ever since. […]

Play Dates at the Hospital

Hello friends. Sorry to be MIA and not finishing up Chicken Recipe Week but I have been busy with a bevy of play dates. Play dates with a handful of new friends from the medical community. Some of these friendly experiences have been lovely. While others have been … well… MEH… are you listening Blue […]