FRIENDSHIP – What is in your wallet?

The first time I met Lindsey it was in a gathering of mutual friends. We were strangers. Feeling silly and boisterous, I told her to be quiet because she “talked” way too much. The irony, she was as quiet as a church mouse. She laughed at my request and we have been friends ever since. I cherish our friendship, we are extremely like-minded and with that we have bonded with super glue to become permanent friends

During my recovery I asked Lindsey {aka The Modchik} if I could share one of my most favorite posts she wrote for her Blog The Modchik.

So sit back and enjoy the opportunity to get to know The Modchik a bit better. Afterwards please visit her website by clicking HERE.


It’s been a long week.

I feel like I have hit my first road block with my blog. I want every day to bring posts filled with inspiring stories exemplified with brightly colored photos that send you running for the subscribe button. But then life happens… and the stories aren’t as uplifting and forget about photos, have you seen the floor of a DMV? ugh.

I feel like someone just crammed down a HUGE piece of humble pie down my throat.

So remember my last post where I signed off saying..

Hopefully the next time I post I will not be sitting in this plastic chair, have new plates on my car, my taxes (er extensions) filed and a new appreciation for time well spent while waiting.”

that was only the BEGINNING of my problems. That day I can I assure you I found neither new appreciation nor humor in what unfolded. Frankly I still am a little shell-shocked at how things can go so terribly wrong so quickly.

Back up to the moment I clicked send on my phone via Poster maybe 5 minutes later my phone battery expired, that’s it cut off from the outside world. Luckily the last call I made was to my daughter’s preschool to let them know I would be tardy, but not too tardy.

3 minutes pass “B083 window number 21″ (OMG I know my number… PTSD) I get up to the counter and God Bless the gal working, she actually smiled at me. She handed me my plates and I was so happy. Happy they didn’t say madchik… although that kinda works too.

I grabbed those suckers and bolted for my car. Keys in hand I popped open my trunk threw everything in, grabbed a screw driver and proudly mounted my new plate. Out of the corner of my eye I can see a line of cars forming behind the one gal who is waiting smack in the middle of the aisle, for my space. These spaces are like GOLD people, friggen gold. I rush, I drop a screw, I get it back in, last one tightened, throw the screwdriver in the trunk, grab my purse and slam the trunk shut. Reaching for the door I realize its still locked…hmmmm I don’t remember locking the car. Of course you don’t you IDIOT the only thing you unlocked was the TRUNK! I dig deep listening for the jingle of my keys….. silence. Oh no….. no no no no nooooooooo. Cheese & rice this can not be happening. No keys.

No keys.

No phone.

DOA in the parking lot of the DMV.

Pick up was in 5 minutes at the Preschool how was I ever going to get her in time? and what about my 12 yr. old home sick with the flu by himself? Minus 10 points for mommy today.

Don’t cry… do…. NOT….. cry. I checked the trunk just for good measure, yep still locked. Stood there waving every person eyeballing my space to keep moving on. Thank you to the guy who yelled at me for just standing there… that felt really warm and fuzzy!

I scooped up my silent purse and headed back to the DMV. No pay phones…son of a b*tch. So standing in front of the line of would be DMV victims I announced that I needed to borrow a cell phone because I not only LOCKED myself out of my car but that my cell phone had died. Well let me tell you, of those who actually understood me, 90% of them either looked AWAY or at the ground! What happened to paying it forward people! I grabbed eye contact with one couple from Florida (God Bless them) and he handed me his phone and started offering solutions.

Its times like these when you realize how dependent you are on technology. Do you think I remembered ONE phone number? Nope. Preschool? nope. Roadside Assistance? nope.

Long story short I learned a few things that day.

My car is too old to have the REMOTE UNLOCK feature.My car is like Ft. Knox and even David, a self-proclaimed car-jacker was unsuccessful even with his arsenal of break in tools. Keeping your spare key in your wallet is a better option than the junk drawer at home.DMV people are angry people. (when I asked for suggestions for help with my situation I was give directions to the nearest McDonald’s pay phone, gee thanks I think I’ll ponder my predicament over a Happy Meal.) and the most important one of all I learned is that I have people that I can count on.

My current facebook status says this:

If it was not for the kindness and willingness to drop everything for a friend by Kimberly Magette Rimel I would not be sitting here tonight with my sanity left intact. Words can NOT describe my gratitude for her friendship today

I never want to take this down because I want the world to know how important her friendship is to me. When all else failed that day – Kimberly came through. The ONE phone number I memorized!! (good things it’s almost identical to mine) paid off in spades that day. In the midst of carpool pick-up, dance lesson drop-off and a workout appt. she dropped everything and drove to my house to pick up my one spare key and drive it to the DMV. I was saved.

{Editor’s note: Super darling photo of Kimberly and Lindsey huh? makes me smile}

Three hours late I finally made pick up. No penalties and no tears they said she completely enjoyed her extended stay.

The 12 yr old finally got food only to refuse my choice of ‘sick patient’ cuisine, go figure.

I sat down to write about my day and just stared at the screen in disbelief of my day. “I hope those plates were worth it” my husband said, “if not at least you can blog about it” and there lies my dilemma. To use my power to write about the forces good or evil?

{Editors Note: ssshh…. here comes my favorite part}

It’s about finding that silver lining in every cloud. Yea that’s the road I want to take. Its’ not about bitching about locking your keys in your car or the crappy way you were treated it’s about your perception, your take on the situation. That day I chose to focus on one thing, I was lucky that I didn’t lock my child in that car along with my keys and that I am as strong as the people I surround myself with. Take a look at who gets your time, your energy. Would they drop everything for you at a moments notice? or would they expect you to “save” them without reciprocating? Who do you surround yourself with? and how do you give back to them?

{editor again: these words had a profound affected on me and are forever etched in my mind}

Take a look at who gets your time, your energy.

Would they drop everything for you at a moments notice?

or would they expect you to “save” them without reciprocating?

Who do you surround yourself with? and

how do you give back to them?

Her words resonated. It made me realize there are different types of friendship in life. I now know for certain I’m of the permanent friend variety. My internal make-up does not stomach temporary or seasonal friendships. You know the type; individuals that break away by refusing invitations, stop returning calls, ignore text messages or even worse spread rumors about your character. Additionally Facebook and Twitter add a whole new layer to these shallow relationships. Being socially snubbed by a seasonal friend on a public platform can be agonizing for some. I refuse to play that way. I choose to surround myself with people I trust to be permanent friends and I spoil them rotten. People and friendships are important. Lindsey’s post reminded me of this.

Thank you Lindsey for letting me share your work.

And thank you for being in my wallet.


Lindsey’s Websites are below:


MODCHIK Photography click HERE.


  1. The DMV is begging, just begging to be used as the set and scene for reality television. Talk about high comedy and drama that place has it all.

  2. I stopped in to visit from the SITS girls site. I love this post! It’s a blessing to have one of those drop-everything-for-you friends, and it’s important to be that type of friend in return! Thanks for sharing, Lindsey and Kathleen!

  3. …and I say ditto to that! True friends are true gifts of God and I have a funny feeling I’m busy connecting with such gifts right now… Pretty sure God is ok with sending them to me via cyberspace… 😉

    Thank you so much for sharing this Kathleen – I’m going to check out Lindsey’s site right now!

    • Happy to be sent from a higher source. I truly feel everything happens for a reason. Stay safe in your travels Emilene. Stay close. I can’t wait for more stunning photography captures through your eyes.

  4. I remember this post from Lindsey! It’s a good one and every word true.

  5. Oh girl, I’ve those days … usually in my situation, the kids are locked inside the car with the keys. And the DMV … cracks me up … same angry people no matter what state you live in. I love the comment about a reality show. I’m positive it would be a huge hit!!!
    Well, cheers to better days, good friends & spare keys! Hope you mixed yourself up a stiff martini that night!
    Steph from

  6. Hello – just visiting from the SITS hippo tribe blog. What a day you had, but what a great friend!

    Love your blog design!

  7. Oh. My. Goodness.

    Just came to your blog from the SITS pretty kitty tribe and I’m hooked. Also, I’m hooked on ModChick as well.

    You know how every now and then you come across new blogs and get really, crazily excited to read more? Totally felt that here. Can’t wait to keep reading 🙂


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