The first day of Hanukkah or is it Chanukah?]

It’s time to get out that shiny Minora, light your wax candles, sing the Ma’oz Tzur and celebrate Hankkah! Is it Hanukkah or Chanukah? I guess it depends on the way you translate Hebrew. Potato, potahto — tomato, tomahto. This Jewish holiday doesn’t carry the religious heft of Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur, but it has gained prominence due to the fact it falls around that other […]

What I'm Thankful for 2010 {a wordless post}


Harry Potter Deathly Hallows, ummm remember it's PG-13

Our family loves the Harry Potter series by JK Rowlings. Not only have we read each book together. We have also proudly conquered the Wii Legos Harry Potter Game (stories 1-4) long ago and DS (Darling Son) choose to be the “chosen one” for Halloween. Click here for a refresher.  So last Saturday DH and I thought it would be […]