Supporting Mikey, Jen and Sarah

UPDATE March 14, 2011. “It is with great sadness that Kajsa and I have to inform you that our dear, sweet Maddie has passed away and is now an angel in Heaven. She died at 9 pm on Sunday evening, March 13, 2011. Kajsa sang her the night night songs she has sung to her […]

The Pioneer Woman Stopped By to Say Hiya {GIVEAWAY INCLUDED}

 After spending an entire evening last year reading Ree’s draft copy of Black Heel’s a Love Story on her Blog, I couldn’t wait for more. The story was about a college graduate, who went home to prep for the LSAT in Oklahoma. She was visiting for only six weeks and would then be off to Chicago to […]

2010 ~ A Photographic Year in Review

A few months back, if you recall, my computer died. {you can click these underlined words for further details} Tragedy. {the computer dying part not the story links} Well a brand new laptop recently arrived requiring all types of data transfers from complicated backup systems. It has been some hard work here in the trenches and I’ve […]