Daddy Daughter Dance

Each year we have a Daddy Daughter Dance, sildenafil my trio attends. It’s a highlight of the year. Since this is my oldest daughter’s final year, she graduates the group come summer,  the camera was to capture it all. Being a pre-teen, she is beginning to shy away from the lens. Braces. It kills me that those wires are chipping away at her self esteem. Something to work on with her in the near future.

But, before they zoomed off, visions of proms, weddings and futures memories to be made washed over. Those photos will be here before you know it.

Today I bring you the Daddy Daughter Dance with a side of Beagles and a rare DH sighting. It was all about the blue tie tonight. My youngest agreed.

Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6659Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6624Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6680Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6703Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6634Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6716Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6723Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6729Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6733Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6742Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6635Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6678Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6672Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6664Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6741Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6770Daddy Daughter Dance 2013-6769



  1. Adrianne C says

    Beautiful each and every one

  2. Now THAT is a great looking crew! Who knew they could clean up so well?

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE! The girlies just get more and more beautiful! Just like their Mama 🙂

  4. What a good looking trio you have. Beautiful girls and a handsome hubby, all dressed to the nines. I am sure they had a lovely evening. p.s. Your oldest is looking so grown up.
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  5. You have a beautiful family. I love your doggies!! I have a 14 yr old and she has Invisalign…they were only $400 more than regular braces. She was really upset about getting braces, I’m glad we looked into Invisalign. Just a thought 🙂

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