Let’s turn on the lights of this blog and dust of the counters, I’m back or coming back. Very, very slowly.
It’s been a while since I posted with any regularity. The holidays came and went with this news. Which brings us to the Hysterectomy that occurred last Saturday. Sleeping was my first line of business upon return. More than I ever thought possible.
Yesterday was the first day waking hours outnumbered the heavy slumbering ones. You could say, yes, I am awake now. Managing pain, but still keeping the activity level low. This is where we are presently and there is the rub. For the mind to be skipping along with a body not in agreement leads to mental boredom. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are my window to the world. TV’s just doesn’t do it for me anymore. What to do, what to do.
Why not post about my Hysterectomy insights.
Here is what you need to know about a Hysterectomy that no one told me. By the way, it’s no walk in the park.
1. They fill your tummy with CO2 in order to perform the surgery. That gas hurts. Especially when it gets trapped in your shoulders post surgery. Oh mama.
2. In the hospital your own pillow from home feels a lot better under your head, bring it.
3. You will be incredibly tired and fragile. Handle with extreme caution (and care) will be your mantra.
4. It’s absolutely okay to be 5, 6, 7 days post-op and not be able to get through a day without a pain pill.
5. You will not be able to wear the same clothes you wore before surgery comfortably. The incision pain and CO2 balloon belly combo is a deal breaker.
6. Look to be sure the toilet seat is in the “down” position before sitting. And make sure Colace, Milk of Magnesia, and GasX are in your medicine cabinet.
7. Sitting can actually hurt more than standing.
8. Makes notes as to when you took your last pain meds. Foggy memories can lead to difficult pain management.
9. Internal organs that were not removed were prodded and rearranged. They hurt were you least except things to hurt and accept the fact that post-op soreness may linger for quite a while. Please see number 4.
10 “three steps forward, followed by two steps back.” You may have a day where you feel strong. Only to have it followed by feeling like you just got home from the hospital. Please see number 3.
The operation itself with the pain, the recovery time, the post-op limitations and restrictions, was bigger than I thought. Maybe I was minimizing things. However, I am relieved the ovarian tumors are gone along with the big mama fibroid. The pathology came back benign, however the doc was relieved those organs were no longer lurking around. They had danger written all over them.
Which brings me to a whole new chapter in my midlife.
I’m glad to be back.
You are right on all your comments, but I would add that you absolutely need to ask for help. As wives and mothers, we don’t tend to do that, but for a healthy recovery it is vital. I’m 2 years out now nd to be honest, I still have residual incision pain. Soft jersey pants from Chico’s are a staple now, as are skirts. I don’t wear zippers in the front if I have to sit for a long time. I still can’t. But I am no longer in constant pain and the mental toil that the pain took was a long road to recovery as well.
Forgive yourself if things get left undone. love your body as it is now, know that you are still a complete woman (I struggled with that). If you want the name of a doctor who does bioidentical hormones, let me know. I am now off all the hormones and I found it easier. My sex drive is fine and I don’t have mood swings.
I’m here if you need an ear from someone who’s been there. God bless you and rest, rest, rest!
I am so sorry you are going through this. My mother had this done some years ago and I have not forgotten how difficult the recovery was for her. It may be hard to remember this fact at present, but know you are stronger than you could ever imagine.
Atomic Bombshell recent posted..Trina Turk
Gentle gentle hugs.
I’ve been a little late to discover this was all happening to you, but I pray for a speedy recovery. You seem to be taking the right approach to it all. Blessings and smiles to you
Dear Kathleen,
Isn’t it amazing how much energy and effort it takes to do the simplest thing? I remember especially having to take a rest after getting dressed. Once I was in the hospital and, of course, they made me walk soon after surgery. I remember feeling like Alice in Wonderland. I had walked down the hall a little ways. I started back and the door to my room looked miles away and I knew I was only one room away! And yes I could have told you about the gas pains after abdominal surgery. I remember holding a pillow over my stomach and gently pressin was sort of helpful. I guess it is like childbirth. You forget the horrible pain. However, after the pain of childbirth you have something wonderful and feel it was all worth it. Not so after surgery!
Lots of love,
Nancy L.
Big hugs from over here, Kathleen. (Big, GENTLE-barely-touching-you hugs.)
So glad you are on the road to recovery.
Its times like these that remind us what we’re really made of. I hope that once the pain passes, the freedom from tumor worry will be the only thing you remember from all this. XO
Betsy recent posted..The Great List 03.01.2013
My goodness. I have been missing out on the haps with you. Reaching out to give you big hug… a hand hug – just until you are fully recovered, my friend. xoxo