Polaroid Z2300 Awesomeness


The Polaroid Z2300. And the angels did sing.

Please, please, Santa put one in my stocking. Photojojo is where you can have the elves find them. It’s my favorite online photo place, chalked full of awesome.


My camera bag has a Polaroid camera, its huge. The camera that is. This Polaroid Z2300 however is tiny and still delivers instant prints. It uses premium paper to print your favorite shots and then, get this, save everything directly to the camera or your SD card. Brilliant.


You can customize your 10-megapixel images through crops, adding borders, or using color filters for some serious polaroid action.  But wait, there is more! The Polariod Z2300 takes video too. All this in a sleek package complete with the iconic Polaroid rainbow. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

I’ve been known at parties to pull out the mammoth sized Polaroid by comparison. Shoot a few candid’s for friends and hand them over as parting gift. I confess, sometimes it is difficult to part with an adorable photo of a loved one. But, NOW, I can keep a digital one thanks to that SD card. Did I not to mention this Polaroid camera would now be the size of a point and shoot?

polariods2This is such exciting news. I have longed for a toss-it-your-purse and dash out the door Polariod camera. Thanks Photojojo for the awesomeness heads up!

Pricing $160, with a 10 pack of film included.

Hawt Diggidy Dawg.



  1. WOOHOO!!! Oh, I’m adding this to my wish list too!! thanks for the update and info!!
    Jen @ Lita’s World recent posted..Movie Review “Won’t Back Down”


  3. Mine all mine. Santa remember me too!

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