Fireworks, Family and Friends

July 4th. Parties and fireworks in Yorba Linda and Newport Beach were on the Calendar. Shindig enthusiasm filled the air. Then the little people came down with separate but equal plagues. Fever with malaise for one, cialis sale check the other a nasty hacky cough. Just splendid huh?  This of course put the kibosh on all things related to sunscreen, store and swimming, eating, drinking and pyrotechnic fun. Cue sad violins.

However, a fancy dinner with Chef Jon and sparklers the night before made up for missing the 4th.  Our family was content with this night alone to celebrate our nations birthday this year. Thank goodness. Both the contentment and these photos made a Mama smile.


Batta Boom 2012 style,



  1. Awesome-

  2. Glad you all had a great 4th, despite the crud. Good family time is priceless, no matter how we get it. : )
    Mama Mary recent posted..i can’t wait to be pitch slapped, unchained and miserable

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