A few hours ago, while driving home, I came across a business man standing in the middle of a busy Southern California street. His car angled half hazardly in the bike lane. Noticing how he was frantically punching numbers on his iPhone, I realized he was in shock. But why is this man distraught over car trouble? Then I looked down.
An elderly German Shepard was lying in the middle of the street.
Rolling down my window, “do you need some help?”. The gentleman couldn’t answer me. Right then, I knew he was a dog owner. While pulling over, I told my middle man to watch the movie on the DVD player and eat his still hot corn dogs/fries/milk shake. In my mommy mind, I had 15 minutes maximum. “Wait here honey, Mommy needs to make sure everything is okay”.
“I never even saw him”, “he jumped out right in front of my car” was what he shared frantically. He was doing his best to stay calm, but these types of things weigh hard on the pet loving kind. This sweet man, who could have been my Daddy, became a “deer in the headlights” right before my eyes. Objectively paralyzed.
With a soft smile, I reassured him that is was just an accident. “We need to see if we can find the dog’s owner”. The gentleman shared he had called animal control, his voice broke. Cars began to whiz by, way too fast. I asked him to redirect and slow down the oncoming traffic. Being put to task was what he needed. He kept me safe, even raising his fists at cars to change lanes and slow the heck down. He was venting his frustration while I did what he could not.
Turning to the Shepard with a grey muzzle on the hot pavement, he was panting with eyes dilated. A well-loved collar was around his neck with silver tags almost out of sight beneath him.
Now here’s the thing friends. When a large unknown dog is in pain and you approach; you need to be careful. I’ve lived with dogs all my life. A dog in pain is not going to behave rationally in any canine sense. Coming from the beagle house, I hoped this Shepard could smell I was a friend, and here to help. Ever so gently, I maneuvered his collar to get a glimpse at the tags. Please have an ID tag, please – please. Only a license. Why, oh why, did he not have an ID tag? An ID tag with a phone number to call his owner and a name to call this hurt fella laying at my feet.
He whipped his head around to lick his hip. Broken. Then lied back down. He didn’t even know I was there. Crouching down I stroked his fur, told him he was a good boy, and a few minutes later, he passed.
The business man and I picked him up and moved him to a cool place on the grass in the shade. My heart broke for the family that would later be contacted by Animal Control. Informing them of the sad sequence of events.
I shook hands with the business man. He stoically said he was going to stay until Animal Control arrived. He thanked me as our eyes filled with a tear or two. I don’t even remember his name.
I returned to the car and my middle man said, “you did good Mama”.
So I share with you tonight:
1. Help a stranger in need.
2. If you are a pet owner, buy an id tag. Maddox, Buddy and Daphney insist.
3. Love what you have today, it may be gone tomorrow.
You are a good friend, and a good person. I think it’s so amazing that the poor pup had you at his side when he passed..a kind word, and loving touch. And that gentleman will never forget the kindness you extended to a stranger…xoxo
I hope so Pammie Sue. xoxo
This just breaks my heart. I would hope that if something tragic should ever happen to my pets, someone would stay and help instead of drive off. I don’t know about the dog’s owner, but it warmed my heart that you were there when he passed. At least he knew someone cared.
Carolyn West recent posted..The SoCal Lady Bloggers 4th of July Pot Luck Post
Carolyn, at first I thought he might make it when he went to lick his hip. But he was an old guy, and it was his time to cross the rainbow bridge. xo
I’m so glad you were there… This story made is bittersweet, especially after what I was greeted with this morning. As I was stepping into my car, my very distraught neighbor saw me and yelled, “Did you see what they did to my cat? They killed him!” Someone hit his cat on the street and didn’t take the time to do what you and the gentleman did. Thank you for being you and being so loving and wonderful! We need more people like you in this world. (((hugs)))
Thanks Annalynn, hitting a pet is tragic. I felt it was the least I could do. xoxo
You did good friend- I’ve been thinking of you for two days and said a little prayer for you- maybe it was for just such a day- xoxo
Kendel – I believe so. Give Blue a pat-pat from me.
This really breaks my heart. What a wonderful thing you did to help that man. I know if I was him I would have been so grateful for a friend at that moment. Sorry you had to go through that XO
Betsy recent posted..The Great List 06.22.2012
Betsy, my Daddy called me this morning after reading the post. He said the same thing. xoxo
Must you tug at my heart strings today??
Wendy recent posted..#iwillrockthis Weight Loss Challenge | The Last Weigh-In is Here!
This tore at my heart. I cried. I took a nap and now I’m back to say as a dog/animal lover as well, you did what I’m sure was instinctual and right. I’m sure it was a little hard to stop because you weren’t going to like what was to come, and you’d have to remember this. But so would that poor guy. I hope the owners will know that it was an accident by someone just like them. So they can have some peace as well.
I’m so glad you were there!
Nicole recent posted..Eventbrite Hosts Bubbles and Blow-Outs at Frederic Fekkai
Wow. Just wow. I’m really glad you were there to help both of them. Hugs to you and your dogs.
Steph Calvert recent posted..Paper Crafts: Custom Paper Table Runner Tutorial
Me too. Xoxo