Friday Finds Round Up

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Did you know I was once a San Franciscan? If I smashed my face against the window of my flat, I had a view of the bridge.  In honor of this, I’m here to tell you the Golden Gate Bridge is turning 75 this Sunday, May 27. I’ll be there. To pay homage and all, then off to wine country for Memorial Day Weekend. I’m super excited about renting an uber modern Napa home…. accompanied by 10 Acres with Panoramic Valley Views.

Long exhale. Check out the kitchen:


There will be an Iron Chef competition. If you are in the hood, text me. More than happy to set out another plate and pour a fat glass of wine for you. My pleasure.

Pictures and food and places and wine finds next week, k?

Until then, here is the latest Friday Finds round up from the internet.

Mary got Naked {We’ve all been there; “should I OR shouldn’t I, that is the question?”}.

Garlic Noodles, say no more.

A new Chore Chart. The Blue Day is easy on purpose.

While in Sonoma, French Laundry, beckons. {Bucket list taps foot impatiently}.

I want to smear this all over my face.

Darn impressive Grocery/Recipe List Tool.


The Ring-O-Fiyaaa.

So glad you are at home now making Snow Cones sweetie.

Move over Boo Boo Bunny.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOY!  Warm smushy hug your way. I’ll tilt one back in your honor today.

Remember when MTV played cool videos?

And for my piece de resistance….  Daphney the pillow pet beagle.







Have a lovely weekend friends,



  1. I’m still cringing! 🙂 Thank you for including me in your wrap up post, girl! Next time, I’m gonna wrap up! 🙂

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