Friday Favorite Finds Roundup

Favorite Finds Rounup

  1. I want to eat these all day long French Onion Soup Sandwiches.
  2. Come Fall, clinic these New Lunch Boxes, remedy will be ours.
  3. Due to Catherine McCord and her inspiration.
  4. Have you ever had hot Balsamic Reduction Sauce over vanilla ice cream?
  5. An iPhone 4 Pocket Projector is a brilliant idea.
  6. Cannot. Stop. Laughing.
  7. Fruit Salad with Rose Water, pistachios, and a dollop of whip cream. Oh my.
  8. This is so sweet.
  9. It’s more than Buiscuts and Gravey at Old Vine.
  10. Say ‘ello to ma lil friend : Becky.
  11. UPS is on its way with this from Jcrew.
  12. Working on a few cool new Dance Moves.
  13. But DVF is really yanking my chain with this dress, pants and top.
  14. Cannot choose which way to display family photos. Help.
  15. And for the pièce de résistance from Hello Giggles, I AM SO DOING THIS.

Dance like no one is watching,



  1. Such a cool round up. Loved it.

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