Deviled Eggs Recipe – Plain and Simple

Love Deviled Eggs. Making them is an entirely different story. The most frustrating part; the peeling. In the past, doctor more hard-cooked egg than egg shells end up in the sink. Resulting in an unappealing miss-shaped appetizer.  No one will be running to those babies at a potluck gathering.

With Easter this weekend I bring you my research on how to conquer these devilish deviled eggs.

Today we have a deviled eggs recipe, find plain and simple. First off gather your eggs. Place them in a pan, decease then cover the eggs with at least one inch of cold water. Here is the magic. Add 1 tablespoon of kosher salt. The salt helps those shells detach from the eggs later.  Bring the eggs to a boil and immediately turn off the heat and cover the pot with a secure well fitted lid. Set your timer for 12 minutes. Psst, eggs do not need to be boiled. It causes the iron in the yolk and the sulfur in the white to combine, creating an greenish color around the yolk. Not good eats.

DING. 12 Minutes.

Have a sink of ice water ready and waiting for those huevos. Underwater, into an ice bath they go until they are good and chilly.

Hard Boiled Eggs

Ready to peel?

Gently tap the large end of the egg against a hard surface like your kitchen counter. This should crack the shell. Turn the egg and crack the other end. The next trick is to submerge the hard-boiled egg in a bowl of water while peeling them. Go slow and may the force be with you.

Hard Boiled Eggs 2


Deviled Eggs Recipe

Now for a dandy of a Deviled Egg recipe. I asked around for a favorite kid friendly recipe. My friend Betsy recommended a BLT deviled egg. Where you mash the eggs with avocado instead of mayo, then sprinkle bacon and chopped tomato on top. Loved this, but worried my little people’s classmates would not care for the fancy.  Today it is just yolks, mayo, Dijon mustard and a dash of cayenne pepper.

Deviled Eggs Recipe 2

No unappealing miss-shaped appetizer here. You can do it too!

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Nicely Peeled Deviled Eggs
Remember to bring the eggs to a boil in salt water. Remove from heat. Then put a lid on for 12 minutes. Submerge eggs in ice water until cold all the way through. Then peel in a bowl of water.
  • 12 large hard-boiled eggs
  • ½ cup mayonnaise
  • 2 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Halve your eggs; scoop yolks into a small bowl. Mash well; add mayonnaise and Dijon until desired consistency is reached. Taste and add salt and pepper to taste. Using a small teaspoon or pastry bag, fill egg white halves. Makes 24 halves.


Deviled Eggs Conquered,




  1. I guess it is the Southern girl in me, but I always add a dash of white vinegar as well. Just puts them over the top. I also add a dash of paprika on top. I make deviled eggs for all our celebrations and barbecues!

  2. OK Kathleen … what’s the trick to getting your eggs to look so pretty? I can never get the filling to look so perfectly round and swirly. 🙂 Did you use a scoop? I’ve been tempted to use a pastry bag like when I frost cupcakes, but think that might be a bit too much.

    My recipe is close to yours, but I don’t use cayenne pepper – might have to try that this time. Excited to make my deviled eggs this weekend. Thanks for sharing.

    • Kathleen says

      Michelle, I did use a plastic bag with a pastry tip on it. However the eggs looked awful. I think I need to practice my pastry hand. 🙂 To fix the unsightly, I smoothed out the mixture with the back of a spoon. Thanks for noticing. ~xo

      • I have a cookie press with a pastry tip attachment and I put the egg yolk mixture in it and use the large star tip and press away into the eggs. Works really well and the eggs always look like they came out of a magazine.

  3. Ah yes. The anguish of peeling eggshells. Yet there is something very satisfying about the perfectly peeled egg once you have it done. One of the simple joys in life.
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  4. Oooh, yum. Thanks for posting this, I’m literally culinary skill-impaired, so easy recipes=the best recipes in my book!
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