UltraLuxe – Jiggling in Perfect Sync

UltraStar Cinemas Anaheim GardenWalk -004A seat that bounces and moves while you watch a movie.

Um…No Thank You.

I’ve experienced those unsettling seats before and walked out dizzy, looking for a motion sickness bag.  My apologizes SeaWorld.  The family loves that Wild Arctic Ride, but my sensory system is not a fan.  I vowed never to place my booty down in one of those seats again.  You can imagine the answer when I was first approached by Ultraluxe Cinemas in Anaheim’s GardenWalk to test drive their D-BOX motion seats.  I said “thank you, but no thank you”.  The Wild Arctic Ride and its thrilling jet-helicopter joyride had left deep ugly scars.  Scars that would need years of expensive counseling to undo.

UltraStar Cinemas Anaheim GardenWalk -002Then Damon Rubio, Executive Vice President of Operations for UltraLuxe Cinemas, explained I had the wrong impression of D-BOX seats.   I was graciously given another opportunity to sit in a D-BOX motion seat last Wednesday night during an Orange County Blog Crush event.  I was in the second demo group.  When the first demonstration began, I placed my hand on the seat in front of me. If the motion was too great, I would excuse myself to the nearest bathroom and hide.  Smiling in delight, my hand experienced a seat that gently pulls you into the movie experience.  The chair makes you feel a part of the scene without UltraStar Cinemas Anaheim GardenWalk -034being over-whelming.  All the motion effects are carefully integrated into the seat to replicate reality.  It does not create a theme park ride experience.  D-BOX seats also have control levels that let you adjust the motion, vibration and intensity.  Just like you would adjust the sound volume on a stereo.

Here is a detailed explanation of the experience.  You become apart of the movie; engaging with the film in a whole new way.  The chair movement is synchronized to the film, added only when necessary.  Subtle pitches, rolls, and jiggles are in perfect sync with the action on-screen.  Imagine watching the elevator scene in “From Paris with UltraStar Cinemas Anaheim GardenWalk -015Love” where John Travolta is riding to the top floor of the building.  Your seat matches the sensation of an elevator coming to a natural stop, precisely at the same time you see John Travolta experience it on-screen.  Talk about feeling like you’re a fly on the wall.

The demo ended and I was left hanging.  I wanted to experience an entire movie with this cool immersive effect.  I loved it. Loved, loved, loved it.  I had been HEALED; no expensive therapy needed.

Now I have caught D-BOX motion fever.  I don’t think I’ll want to watch a movie without a D-BOX seat.  It’s one of those flying First Class or staying at the Ritz Carlton cravings.  It becomes overwhelmingly difficult to go back to Coach Class or the Comfort Inn. Or for that matter: stationary cinema seats.

UltraStar Cinemas Anaheim GardenWalk -040If I did have to sit in a stationary cinema seat, UltraLuxe would STILL be my choice. Want to know why?  The Booze.  Beer and Wine is served in the Star-Class auditoriums, which are for guests 21 and over.  These special auditoriums feature plush leather seats and have in-seat service from the full Cinema Café menu. Food and Drink service right to your movie seat!

UltraStar Cinemas Anaheim GardenWalk -026The Café not only has some not too shabby beer and wine choices, it also serves an extensive menu.  Over 10 kinds of gourmet paninis, deluxe quesadillas and nachos, pizzas, edamame, hummus, cheesecake, dessert shots, and specialty coffees are there for your choosing.  My pick was the George Clooney Panini; Turkey, Provolone, Pesto, and Tomato. It was perfectly paired with an ice-cold Stella. I enjoyed this combo before joining my group in the D-BOX demo.  It was delectable.

UltraLuxe Cinemas is located at Anaheim GardenWalk on the upper level at 321 W. Katella Ave.  Free parking for 4 hours is provided with validation at the movie theater.  The most convenient parking structure entrance for UltraLuxe Cinemas is off Disney Way.  Tickets for the different auditoriums are available at the box office or online at www.ultrastarmovies.com.

Kicking myself for missing Harry Potter 7 in those D-BOX seats, but I had not been healed at the time.

Thank you Ultraluxe Cinemas for sticking with me.  See you and your mighty fine establishment soon.

Save me a D-BOX seat.



  1. Delightful Mess says

    What is the Fall movie line up for those moving seats? Wanna be my date? Great jiggling story my friend.

  2. I was the same. Super nervous. Then scared. Then barfy. And then nervous again. But that soon changed, while I was experiencing the majestic ways of the “D-Box”. I couldn’t help but smile the whole time, like happy-grinning-because-I’m-having-so-much-fun smiling. Yes I looked like a giant looser, but woza, I was okay with it, and I defiantly want to come back.
    Beckey recent posted..I’m Jealous of You

  3. Beckey you are too cute! When I get my next GNO hall pass, I’ll be giving you a call to sit next to me. D-BOX for-evah.

  4. WOW. What a wonderful review post. I am so glad you came, and thrilled you found value in this event. Thank you !


  1. […] to know a bit more about this theater? Check out this post, Jiggle in Perfect Synch, by clicking HERE.    Puss in Boots. Leave a comment on this Sugar and Spice post to be entered to win a Family […]

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