A new iPhone App to Love: iMovie


Apple made such a terrific improvement with the iPhone4’s video recording capabilities.   Now with the iMovie App, it has brought an advanced video editing options to the table.  Let’s make some videos people!

When you’re working on a small iPhone screen, you need everything to be quick and easy to use.  This is precisely what you will find with the iMovie app.  Whether in landscape or portrait mode, you choose your iTunes music, theme and recorded pieces.  It is that easy.  Whether you work with pre-existing photos from your picture roll or those movies recorded directly on your iPhone, iMovie lets you be in the driver’s seat.

When your movie is complete.  You can export a copy of the finished clip to your iPhone or send it to YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo and more.  I sent the above clip to YouTube last night after tinkering on my iPhone while watching True Blood.  Here you have it today my friends.  It is a glimpse of last weekend, at the tail end of summer.  Good Times.

I must say this on-the-fly editing and publishing puts the iPhone into a whole new smart phone category.  Which reminds me, I must call my broker tomorrow to put a buy order in on some Apple stock.


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