Friday Tidbits ~ August 19th

Happy Friday Friends.

Here are the happenings around the blogosphere this week.

Check it out.

Eric Northman True Blood Season Five

HBO renewed True Blood For Season Five.

Thank You HBO Thank You.

food label

UC Berkeley graduate students held a contest to redesign the Nutrition Facts Label to make it easier to read and more useful to people who want to consume healthier, ed more nutritious and wholesome food.

 Above is the winner. To see more awesome click HERE.


Here is a link to help you pick a winning Fantasy Football Team.


Game of Thrones – How in the Heck did they do that? Read the books or catch up on Netflix my friends.

Portraits of dogs shaking water

Photography | How dogs shake HERE

Have a great August weekend friends, treatment




  1. I don’t watch True Blood or Game of Thrones. I need to get with it! Happy Friday, love!
    Mama Mary recent SITS day mashup

  2. I can’t get into either of those HBO shows!
    Hope you had a great weekend!
    Wendy recent posted..Instagram Friday

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