Rachael Rossman Pet Portrait Giveaway

20100108_4437-1GIVEAWAY HAS ENDED

Sugar and Spice began in an attempt to share photos and stories about our two adopted Beagles as well as keep Beagle Breeders updated about the co-owned Daphney.  She is related to Uno the Beagle, if you’re scratching your head, you can check this out, I’ll wait.  Yes.  She has fancy DNA.

Furthermore, if you caught that, we share baby daph and mommma-1ownership of Daphney with Breeder Julie from Auburn Beagle.  Julie and I co-own Daphney until she has litter of puppies.  Think about it friends, what Beagle Breeder in their right mind would let a super model puppy such as Daphney, who could potentially produce another Uno, be “fixed” after a straight forward family pet adoption?

Julie and Kathleen2-Uhmm no.

So we agreed to the terms; happily I might add. Daphney will be getting married this winter. A batch of puppies will hopefully be arriving next spring.  Are you ready for that friends?  Raise your hand if you would like to see a 24hr Beagle Puppy Cam Live UStream?

Okay, moving forward with my story, I started a doggie Blog and then….

Eventually, fate would have it, the requests came from loving and ultra supportive friends to share more.  This took enormous thought & courage to join the world of Social Media.  Now thankfully, I am rubbing shoulders with some incredibly bright, supportive and talented folks.

One of these folks is the fabulous Oregon artist Rachael Rossman.  Her unique watercolor portraits have been featured on marthastewart.com, The Pioneer Woman, dooce.com, Dog Art Today, dogtipper.com and more.  Her work was also included in gift bags at the 2010 MTV Movie Award celebrity gift lounge.

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Here is Rachael with Debby Ryan at the MTV Movie Awards.

Her work is nothing like you have seen before.  Check it out.  Here is the photo of Daphney I emailed Rachael.  She opened this digital file.

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And worked her magic.

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Wow. It is a priceless treasure.

Would you like to see a few more? Here are some works of art pulled from her website gallery over at http://www.rachaelrossman.com/the-blog/ .

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If you would like to shop various size and see more of her work – Click HERE.

Are you feeling a possible holiday gift idea coming on? Good. Because……..

Any reader who mentions Ksugarandspice will receive 15% off your orders until the end of August.

FINALLY Rachael is generously giving away one custom 8×10 portrait (a $300 value) to one lucky Sugar and Spice reader!

To enter, just leave a comment on this post before Sunday, August 19th, at 6:00 p.m. U.S. Pacific time.  What should you say? How about,

What is your pet’s name or

What will be your future pet’s name?

Random.Org will choose one winner to envy. The results will be announced next week.

Good Luck Friends!


Thanks Rachael –MUAH!


  1. Heather Toller says

    Our dog`s name is Emily.

  2. Geez which one of my beautiful girls would I pick, there is Alex Daphney’s sister then there are Paris and London Daphney’s half sisters oh and let us not forget Carly Daphney’s mother then there is last but not least Casey my lovely 13 1/2 year old Aussie by being such a lovey pet started this whole thing!!

  3. Austin is our 14 year old cocker spaniel. It would be great to have him immortalized in one of Rachael’s paintings!

  4. We would love to win this! Our house would look great with a portrait of our 9 month old yellow lab puppy, Blue.

  5. Marybeth Wakefield says

    Lost our love Annabelle to cancer a week ago. There is a huge hole in my heart. Luckily Katie our BILs dog has been with us since May. Would love to get a portrait of Annie.

  6. Lisa Short says

    Our pooch’s name in Louie!!

  7. Our dogs are named Bud, Brownie, and Daisy (ages 15, 18 and 16 yo)

  8. Amy Thomas says

    Dru Thomas

  9. My pet’s names are Katie, Sacha, Hootie and (Nasty) Nick (only when he bites my boyfriend – his Dad!). We LOVE Rachel. Her work is awesome.

  10. Our dog is Sox, she would look great in a painting by RAchel!

  11. Steve Bysg says

    Love these!

  12. I don’t currently have a pet d/t rental, work situations. But my favorite pet I have ever had would have to have been My cow, Cowie. Oh and Buddie my 3 legged dog. As for a future pet, If I have the room I would get a large dog. Love them.

  13. I just found your blog courtesy of Rachel’s FB feed and I love it!
    Our rescued pup is Jubie Wickleby, aka: Jubes, Juberwocky, Juberella, Jubernaut, Jube Jube & Puppa da Rappa. We also have a lovely rescued cat called Beanstar Runner: aka Beans, Beanie, Beanie Baby, Beanza, Beaner.
    We love to come up with unique pet names so we have Mafisto Prince of Lies and Chairman Meow ready for future pets. 🙂
    I adore beagles, my brother owns one too.

  14. we have two labs, Camper and Sandy, deal was when we got married, he names the dogs, i name the kids :0)

  15. I have a 10.5 year old dachshund named Bubba! I got him when he was two months from a cute little couple in a tiny little town in south Georgia. He is my heart! I love him so!

  16. Our dog is named Holly and we would looooove a painting of her!

  17. Charlie!!

  18. Love my puppy!! His name is Obie

  19. My dogs name is Sugar and my other dogs name is Spice. LOL!!!

  20. My dog Jordan, lovingly called Jor-Jor by our kids would
    Be the perfect pup for a commissioned painting.

  21. Kelly Ann T. says

    We have two Alaskan Malamutes Milele and Kouga. I would love to get a painting of Milele since she is going to be 12 this year. She is a such a sweetie and she is a retired certified therapy dog that won a Courageous Canine award for all of her hard work.

  22. Lost both of my beautiful dogs to cancer in the past 9 months. This is a beautiful idea to remember them by! Thanks for sharing.

  23. I lost my sweet, sweet Roosevelt to kidney failure and a whole slew of other serious problems a little over a year ago. I was heartbroken. Still am, in fact, and haven’t even begun to consider adopting another dog. Rosie was the kind of scruffy pup you just couldn’t help but fall in love with. Having a portrait of him to hang in my house would be unbelievable. Thanks for the opportunity!!
    Roxanne recent posted..Planning Potty Party Time!

  24. Lots of wonderful comments, many who have lost their loved ones over the Rainbow Bridge. I know Kathleen started this post after she lost her beloved Darcey. No puppy can ever fill that void, but I always say, I feel fortunate that we as humans can give our dogs the quality of life when they are with us but be able to “let them go” and not suffer when it is their time. That is a gift we can give them, to allow them to give us unconditional love and for us to give them companionship when they are with us but to be able to let them go when it is their time. Wish we could do that to our human loved ones. I hope that this special gift of a portrait of their dog can go to one of those who have posted their recent loss of their companions. My heart goes out to you.

  25. I think I’m getting closer to getting another pup, but I know I can’t ever replace Koki… A portrait of him, however, would be lovely. 🙂

  26. Our posse: Max (the brawn), Charlie (the brains), and Ernie (the getaway driver who forgot to put gas in the car) LOL

  27. his name is Chris….hehe

  28. Those are adorable Pet portrays! And really those are priceless! My dogs name is Jack and Jill!
    Nicole recent posted..kids bedroom furniture

  29. Would so love to have a portrait of Traveller, our beautiful 12-year-old (now blind) Pomeranian.


  1. […] Reads Recent Comments Kelly Ann T.: We have two Alaskan Malamutes Milele and Kouga. I would love to get a painting of Milele since she […]

  2. […] upon a time, I did a giveaway on Kathleen’s Sugar and Spice. We had bonded over our mutual friendship with The Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond, our love of food and […]

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