Dog Collars : Find them on Esty my friends

First off friends. The Giveaway for the signed Pioneer Woman’s Cookbook ends tonight 2/14 at midnight. Be sure to put your name in the hat if you fancy a great cookbook.

Here is the link:



If I had a nickel for every time a friend asked me about custom dog/cat collars, I would be able to afford a new Canon Prime Lens.  I realize it is a popular subject. So here is my post from last December featuring the Beagle Brigades fashion statements.


Our diva Beagle has a new look.

elisalou sent her a sassy new collar.

matthew party 097


It fits her ‘larger than a Wolf Hound’ personality.


It also vibes Minny Mouse.

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And it’s just plain festive for the holidays, huh?

matthew party 110matthew party 111matthew party 114matthew party 115

We love you ‘Daffodil’.

Elisa is taking some time off for the holiday, but will be back making custom collars soon. On her site there are many cool collars to browse through. Or better yet, if you would like to design your own collar that fits your pooches personality check out the selections of fabrics.

collar choices

Oh yes, one more thing.

Elisa is very talented

she also designs hand bags, toes, Ipad sleeves and

wait for it –

custom camera straps!

Oo La La…..

camera strap

Hope your having a relaxing December friends.

Disclosure ~ I found her Elisa Designs on Esty. I ordered a collar for Daphney all by myself at


  1. Awwwww, those are adorable!! My Daphne has too much fluff to even be able to see any of the cute colors we put on her. Oh, and we also call her “Daffodil” as a nickname. Well, that, and Dapheranian (daphne + pomeranian, haha)

    LOVE that camera strap, too! On to check out, what I’m sure will be, my newest etsy addiction!


  2. These dog collars are very lively colored and look so friendly…With this selections of fabrics. is like making your own dog collars, great idea.

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