Two New iPhone Apps to Love

Here is a lovely little alternative to a quick ‘plain jane’ text or email. Think of it as a mini message you can easily send to anyone in your address book.  You can become the peak of chic while making GNO plans, ailment play dates and coffee breaks. The application has over 60 backgrounds to choose from. You just need to design your message then send it as a photo image. Nice. I discovered the App while visiting my friends at Coco and Kelly.  Cassandra shared this delightful find. You can find it by searching your itunes applications for POST by Hanna Nation of Gadabout. (Or click the pink POST link provided)  The app can be used on your iPhone/iPod. Best of all it’s only .99 cents.

 threesome postGADABOUT  iphone Appgadabout iphone app 3

If you prefer a more timeless look to your messages then check out the Cartolina iPhone app. Just like POST, you can choose from a selection of gorgeous designs. Then create your own personal message to email or text to all your favorite people. It also has a customizable calendar with automatic reminders so you’ll never miss another birthday or anniversary.  The designs are all fabulously pretty and all for just $1.99. (evite you have some competition)

 cartolina red

Capture carolinaapp12app7

When I first played with both of these apps,  I couldn’t wait to send all my friends fun little text messages. I hope you will feel the same happiness.


  1. I love it! I want it! Send me one!

  2. Very cool apps… I’m going to check them out!

  3. Lindsey (aka modchik) says

    Girl your blog is looking HOT! and you KNOW I am counting down the days until Verizon births my new baby – I get to officially order him or her next THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

    • We need to plan a ‘Sip and See’ for the new Verizon arrival. Congratulations in advance on your pending cell phone birth.

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