Instagram Birthday-istmas

It’s Christmas Eve. 

 Thank you for the Birthday Wishes Friends. I made it another year around the sun.

Here is a quick post to wish you and yours a happy day.

Have you heard of the new Iphone App Instagram? A bajillion photo lovers have jumped on board.

It is a photography application which lets you create those old Polaroids from yesteryear then share them with a community of other Iphone friendly folks.


 (Thank You, WHOORL! Sarah you are just a dandy).

So in the spirit of the season and Sarah’s inspiration here is a 24 hour Polaroid log from December 23rd.

Let’s shake it like a Polaroid Picture.


Making Spirits Bright 


Say Hello to Friends you know


O’  Christmas Tree


Oh What Fun It Is


 Have a Cup of Cheer


 Silent night, Holy night. All is Calm, All is Bright


Dreaming of a White Christmas


And in case you didn’t hear
Oh, bygolly
Have a holly jolly Christmas
This year!


Merry Merry and Fa La La




  1. LOVE this post – so fun and CHEERY!

    and PS You had me at iPhone app. keep the instagrams coming!

  2. Thanks friend. My great day began with you!!!! You are one of the most thoughtful persons I know. I cherish our friendship.

  3. Love how those photos look!

  4. Great photos! And of course my favorite is the doggy 🙂


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