Feeding My Emerald Hummingbird {Wordless Wednesday Sorta}

Monday at noon the Garage Door Repairman arrived to fix our problematic automatic garage door. While signing the invoice I noticed a buzz in the rafters.

A hummingbird was aloft.

After the repair man drove away, there I left the garage door open in hopes the little bird would fly towards the light and be off to his friends and family.  By 5pm, puppy chow time, the garage was quiet. I was relieved in the thought my hummingbird had left the building.

Cue night-time.

Cue morning rush to school.

Cue noon time.

Cue Puppy Chow Time.


I find the hummingbird about to stroke out on top of the dog food containers.

My heart sank… really sank.

Do I pick it up?

Will I hurt it more?

What about its fragile wings?

No no no no dang it no.…….

I scrambled to call my Hummingbird Authority Friend. Lindsey (aka the modchik) Read more HERE.

Her advice.

Its okay hon’.

You can pick it up without hurting it.

“you sure”  Kathleen

Yes… see how light it is?

“I can’t even feel it in my palm” Kathleen

Just let it fly away to a nearby tree

“He is just soo tired, he can barely breath” Kathleen

He’ll be okay.

“Linz he has been in the garage for over 24 hours” 

cue Kathleen tears

Monkey bread Humming bird 016

At that very moment I became an EMT to my Emerald Hummingbird.

Monkey bread Humming bird 019

I took down my hummingbird feeder. And shouted for a syringe STAT!

Monkey bread Humming bird 020

At times I was able to deliver a few drops of sugar water. His little tongue lapped it up. (amazing National Geographic moment)

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 My 10 YO delighted in his recovery and documented everything. {that’s my girl}

Monkey bread Humming bird 030

We put him in a box with rose petals and a dish cloth that smelled like Downey Softener next to the BBQ. Nothing but the best here – I tell ya. He finally seemed to be at peace, his breathing had slowed. 

I checked on him once, ‘lawdy he is not gonna make it through the night and there is gonna be a lot of “splain’n” to do in the morn’.

Checked on him again. 

And friends, my Emerald Hummingbird had left his luxury accommodations.

Thank you Linz.

God Speed lil hummingbird


  1. What a beautiful creature! Sometimes it feels good to know you’ve saved something.

  2. This made me smile 🙂 that’s so awesome!

  3. I’d say earned your wings this Christmas – yey pun!

    really great shots L!

  4. Wow! This is amazing! Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures and your story!!!

  5. Thanks Lisa, I’m now motivated to keep my feeder filled at all times to see if he will come back. I hope so. 🙂

  6. You forgot to metion his name! I named him Bob Larry Jr. such a sweet little lime green hummingbird. I was happy when I went outside to check on him and he was nowhere in sight. He must have flew away!
    If it was a girl his name would be Miracle.
    God Bless Bob Larry Jr!

  7. K. I officially love you now.

  8. I’m glad that you were able to revive the poor little guy! Hummingbirds are definitely very beautiful. And very small!


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kathleen, Kathleen. Kathleen said: Feeding My Emerald Hummingbird {Wordless Wednesday Sorta}: http://wp.me/pN4Oi-2iS […]

  2. […] Pros: Back to cooking frequently – Thanksgiving – Chatting with Ina Garten from Barefoot Contessa Fame. Helping a Hummingbird […]

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