Jenna’s Bloody Mary Recipe

Jenna can mix a mean Bloody Mary concoction. I know this  based on the countless expressions of gratitude after her friends have taken their first sips.   I am here to share her recipe with you today, to enjoy during  the upcoming holidays.

jenna b with oliver

Jenna’s magic comes from her Dad.  I’ve had the privilege of watching him perfect his Bloody Mary craft over the last 30 years.  You see our Dads are BFF’s. Back in the day when the OC was just Orange Groves minus, our Moms would trade-off baby sitting so each could run errands without interference. Our first attempts at social relationships came as Newborns together navigating the plastic padded turf in our shared playpen.  Now that we are grown-ups, our parents have traded the baby sitting co-op for dinners out on the town. They also have begun passing along family secret recipes other than home-made baby food.  Jenna’s Bloody Mary recipe is delightful, you can taste the love her Dad perfected and now she delivers in style.

 To begin today’s lesson, Jenna’s Dad taught her to get to know your friend’s taste.   So when she first makes you a Bloody Mary, she asks a few simple questions:

1. Do you like it spicy?

2. Are you a fan of horseradish?

3. Bold or fresh; a little or a lot of vodka?

And with these answers she prepares the following ingredients to suite your style.

  • 1/4 cup (2 ounces) Mr. and Mrs. T’s Bold and Spicy Bloody Mary Mix
  • 3 tablespoons (1 1/2 ounces) vodka
  • About 1 cup ice cubes
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 dashes hot pepper sauce, such as Tabasco
  • 1/8 teaspoon horseradish (optional)
  • 1 dash freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 dash of celery salt
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 2 olives

In an 11-ounce highball glass full of ice add the shot of vodka. Then add in lime juice, Worcestershire, Tabasco, horseradish and pepper. Add in Bloody Mary Mix.  STIR.  Sprinkle celery salt on top to taste. Garnish with stalk of celery and 2 olives on a toothpick.

Jenna prepared trays of these and I still giggle in recollection of girlfriend Kelly uttering loudly “Fire In The Hole”,  before happily accepting her medicine one post GNO morning. Good Times.

Thanks Mr. B and Thanks Jenna. “Fire in the Hole”

Food Image Source/Getty Images

***Would you care for more Bloody Mary recipes? Head on over to my friend Greg’s site at My Big Fat Bloody Mary for more tomato libation. HERE***



  1. I love reading your post. I haven’t tried Bloody Mary but I think it absolutely taste good the way I look at it. yuummyy..

  2. I love me a good bloody mary. Will be taking this with me on vacation for a New Years Day, hair of the dog, recipe. And I will most definitely be saying “Fire in The Hole” when I throw it back.

  3. I just found my way here from Blog Frog and boy am I disappointed. Not in your site, or your recipe, as both look fantastic – but NOW I’m craving Bloody Mary’s! Since I’m 5 months pregnant, I’m guessing it would not be a great idea for me to indulge, so I’ll have to add this to my “make soon” list. 🙂

    I’ll be bookmarking your blog for sure now – I’m off to explore some of the other tasty-looking treats.

  4. I still love this recipe. I recently concocted a pumpkin-allspice infused vodka. It made for a really nice warm, savory bloody Mary recipe. (It will be published in Edible Madison this week.) The possibilities are endless when it comes to bloody’s. Cheers!

  5. Still love this recipe Kathleen. Wanted to let you know I moved my big fat bloody Mary site to: Come check it out.

    Bloody Mary Recipe Guy recent posted..Beer Pairing | Choosing the Right Chaser


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