Play Dates at the Hospital

Hello friends. Sorry to be MIA and not finishing up Chicken Recipe Week but I have been busy with a bevy of play dates. Play dates with a handful of new friends from the medical community.

Some of these friendly experiences have been lovely. While others have been … well… MEH… are you listening Blue Cross? The lovely experiences have reassured me people are truly compassionate and caring by nature. Surgeons like Dr. D with his gentle staff, hospital nurses (waving hello to Gretta), Radiology Tech’s (giving some knuckle to Brett), and that entire foxy EMT crew have all made this experience interesting in a good way and palatable through the painful hours.

What did I get myself into you ask?
A New Rack – I wish
Tummy Tuck – that would be the day
Liposuction – nope
Undercarriage Tightening – non

The truth is I had a little, well not so little friend, living rent free inside me. It would throw wild parties causing the landlord a ton of pain and its presence was exhausting.

To back up, I learned of my tumor stowaway at the end of the summer. One doctor’s appointment led to another, then ultrasounds, a MRI, blood work, and finally watches were synchronized and the plan to evict the free loader commenced this past week.

Tuesday morning I checked in and was prepped for surgery. Everything went as planned during the procedure and I returned to my hospital room for observation and recovery. (private room, how cool is that?)

Since the procedure ranks high on the painful side of treatments post surgery patients receive a PCA (Patient Controlled Analgesia) pump. It allows patients to self manage pain. Every 10 minutes I could press my happy juice button, and Boy-Howdy did I ever. Each time the green button illuminated(allowing for more pain killer) I hit that device with lightening speed. I’m proud to say my reflexes are now quick enough for Jeopardy try outs.

After my hospital recovery I returned home to be welcomed by family, friends, and the Beagle Brigade.

We did have an interesting post procedure complication where DH looked at my oldest daughter and calmly told her to call 911. Let’s say it was well controlled panic.

Enter good looking EMT crew.

I was transported by ambulance back to the hospital under a “code 3” (whatever that means) and spent the rest of the night hooked up to countless machines meeting an entirely new batch of friends. I know party – party – party.

The next morning I was back at home, beaten up, worn out and on mandatory bed rest. I admit I’m now a little over these new friends and play dates. I need to sleep.

Life is returning back to normal with faithful Daphney watching over me. She makes sure I take my pain pills and remain in bed.

A humongous thank you to my real life friends who have stopped by, called and brought meals/magazine/laughter over. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated and brings tears to my eyes. I love you all and promise not to go into the light any time soon.

Trying to heal quickly,

kathleen sign grey


  1. Kathleen, my new friend on facebook… I’m so sorry to hear you have had to go through all of this. ((hugs)) Take your time, mend well and we’ll be waiting for your return. I’m wishing you good health and freedom from pain. xo~m.

    P.S. I fell in love with your Beagle Brigade immediately upon sight! Cute, cute, cute! 😀

    • Thanks Mari.

      Your beautiful site has kept me smiling while being down for the ‘bed rest’ count.

      **I am itching to get back in the kitchen to make our Samoas!**


  2. I love that photo of you surrounded by your clan. I love your bed BTW. Wish I wasn’t 2 states away at this moment so I could crawl into that big fluffy bed of yours with a valid excuse. Can I be on bed rest sans pain? I know its hard for you to be still my friend.

    -your sidekick

  3. CUTIE: So sorry you had to go through this. I’m thinking I might have had the same surgery as you. If it was of the lady persuasion then…
    Hope you’re feeling better soon. Let your family pamper you 🙂

  4. Oh wow, I am just stopping by because you left such a sweet message on my blog tonight and I am surprised that you even had time to stop by and then bless your heart, you left a comment as well! Oh, what a sweet new friend! I hope you heal quickly and that they got that all of that pesky intruder away and you enjoy the pain meds, just not too much! lol What an adorable love you have watching over you!

    Take care of yourself!

  5. Awww girl, sooooooooo not fun!!! Wishing you a good recovery!!!

  6. Have a speedy recovery, Kathleen. I trust the rest of the clan is taking care of you, like you take care of them.

    All the best,

  7. Lynne McCartney says

    Just catching up on the blog, hoping you have a speedy recovery and koodos to DH for taking action when needed. Now make sure to do what the doctor says and get your bed rest!! Lynne

  8. Kathleen – I had to smile this morning. It’s just amazing to me how my blog is attracting such incredible people to me. Your latest post has really touched me and I wish you all the VERY best! I have 4 pooches in my household and looking at those little faces on the bed next to you seems so familiar – I’ve seen those looks before! They are so in touch with us, it’s scary sometimes! I will certainly be back to see how you are doing! Here’s wishing you a wonderful week ahead. 🙂

  9. I was clicking random comments on The Bloggess to see new (to me) blogs. I discovered yours. Your descriptionof your medical adventures is amusing and helps to pass the time until my own bride gets out of the hospital.

    I hope you recover quickly and shall mention you in my prayers tonight.

  10. Kathleen your description of your procedure and recovery screams out loud that you have a wonderful sense of humor and a positive attitude. I know first hand how difficult these things can be and attitude is everything. (Oh how I hate riding in an ambulance we were not meant to ride backwards in a vehicle, giggle) I see you are surrounded with love and I really love the image of your faithful Daphney standing guard. It is wonderful. I’m so happy I found your blog. I’m not sure how to follow along so I have book marked it for my return visits. I send you wishes for health and happiness and sincere prayers for your continued positive attitude through your recovery. Hugs! Katherine


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