threesixty Entertainment brings Peter Pan to the OCPAC

Last Friday my little man and I had a date night.

We were headed to Orange County’s Performing Arts Center to see the brand new version of Peter Pan presented by British production company threesixty Entertainment. This version would include a stage in the round and 360-degree screens showing high-definition computer  images of Neverland and 1900’s London on the tent walls. I really did not know who was more excited, myself or my Darling Date.

We had come prepared. Amy Steven’s from the OC Register wrote a great story about taking kids to the show HERE. Thanks Amy, it was extremely helpful. The best advice from her tips were “This is NOT Disney’s version of “Peter Pan” and arrive early and get your candy”.

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We arrived at the oversized white tent at 5:15pm, the show starts at 6pm. PERFECT TIMING. For $6.00 you can purchase a white container and stuff it to your heart’s content. This is a popular place, can’t you image? But since we were early birds, my Darling Date was able to take his time and select his favorites.

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Candy Mecca.

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The self-serve factor was a thrill.

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My favorite Cherry Balls.

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His favorite Gummy Bears.

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No one minds if you have a problem closing the lid – it is encouraged.

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After the candy is secured, you can now enjoy the other areas of the tent. A glass of wine, soft pretzel, or hot dog if you missed dinner are all available.  Souvenirs are well priced and affordable.

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A pirates sword was only $5, while a black T-Shirt with “Lost Boys” on it was my pick for Darling Date at $15.

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Another interesting note about this production is Tinker Bell.

She is edgy and irreverent; combat boots and all. It is fitting with the Lost Boys crew but it confused my Darling Date who expected a blonde Disney version of the character. Remember, this is not a Disney or Musical Production. Like the sign says, she’s a fairy with an attitude. It is wonderfully fun and she made us laugh.

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We absolutely enjoyed the entire production. My Darling Date sat through the first act of 1 hour {the candy and popcorn was a fabulous idea}. Then he got his wiggles out playing ‘sword fight’ during the 20 minute intermission. We both finished out the second act, another hour, completely engaged.

After the show I had the pleasure to chat with the Producer, Robert Butters. He shared his wish to exceed every guests expectations. His team works diligently on every detail of the production. The tent is clean, the staff friendly, the cast professional and the high resolution imagery on the tent walls {being three times the size of Imax screens} is extraordinary. All your senses are engaged. When the cast lifts off into the air flying over London, I could have sworn the air conditioning units where set to maximum. I believe it was meant to duplicate a cool wind in your hair. Robert would neither confirm or deny this engaging tactic. But it works, you feel apart of the everything around you.

In San Fransico, over 130,000 people took in this amazing show. So now my Orange County friends, if you would like to go see threesixty Entertainment version of Peter Pan, the show runs through November 21. Tickets can be purchased HERE. {you can also view a terrific Trailer from the LONDON production}.

Discounted tickets are also available for certain dates from Goldstar. It is a discount ticket broker for theatre tickets in several cities. To purchase discounted tickets, you just need to sign up for a free membership with a valid email address. Then pick your tickets up at Will-Call. Check it out.

{I believe in Fairy’s}  

kathleen sign blue




  1. I took my nieces to opening night, I agree that it was a great production. The set up of the tent allowed everyone a great seat. I would go again (even by myself) in a heartbeat!!!

  2. Kendel Pink says

    Thank you for sharing this- I forwarded it to a friend- we have tickets for Nov.


  1. […] posting about Peter Pan at the Orange County Performing Art Center this past week, I had a number of emails. The answer is […]

  2. […] Peter Pan with my little Man – Halloween Parties and candy […]

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