My children call her Gigi (aka my Grammie)


This is my Grammie.

She will be 97 years young this month. (update 98! this year)

I don’t know how I’m going to write this post.

I’m already fighting back tears.

Pause please.


I think about her daily, rx my thoughts are sweet, capsule they put a smile on my face.

She raised my Mom and they both have been the most influential women in my life.

To share with you a glimpse of who my Grammie is:

Her home is a delicious place for your senses, it always has been.

She gave me hot baths and wrapped me in warmed fluffy soft towels as a child.

At each visit she named each and every perfume on her sterling silver tray as I smelled them one by one.

Then asked which one I liked the very best.

She taught me to cook, stuffed mushrooms with garlic at 9;  she had ultimate patience.

I have always felt she has understood that life is about the ride and not just the destination.

We picked the grapes she grew and made red wine together.

She still has a bottle from that very day and it’s the most amazing Port.

We canned almost every fruit and/or vegetable picked from her oversized garden.

We turned cucumbers into pickles,

pureed boiled tomatoes through a fine sieve into sauce, and made outrageous strawberry jam.

I still escape into the memory of the sweet smell of her basement and garage.

It was always clean – earthy – Grammie.

her hands

One more thing,

I have always connected her rings to her hands; hands that picked fruit, washed dishes, cooked meals with me beside her. They also are the hands that held and rubbed my back while my head rested in her lap. I still sneak the opportunity to lay my head in her lap each time I see her.

For one more embrace, one more ounce of sage advice, one more laugh, one more golden moment in time with her.

I couldn’t possibly love a person more.

Here comes the tears again.

Please pause.

But above all of these things, foremost.

She is a lady.

More about her tomorrow.

Click HERE to read part two.

kathleen sign pink


  1. This is beautiful Kathleen. I can’t wait for more tomorrow. You are making me miss my grandparents. 🙂

  2. Oh boy, what a sweet and touching tribute! Happy Birthday Great Grammie!

  3. good god, kathleen, beautiful. you have a gift – in expressing yourself. the words are strung together beautifully and the photos are stunning. and clearly, the greatest gift, a lovely, loving grandmother whose influence and happy memories you can carry around with you all of your life. beautiful.

  4. Jennifer says

    Happy Birthday Great Grammie! 97!!!!! 😀

  5. Such a lovely tribute to your grandma… I’m enjoying a little quiet time on your blog while vacay – who needs books when ya got Sugar & Spice and a laptop!

  6. Nancy Lindley says

    Dear Kathleen,
    Your grandmother looks great in the picture you posted. Hard to believe that she is 97. I remember her at Christmas time and many of your birthdays, too. What a joy to have so many lovely years with her. Your artcle about her is truly wonderful.
    Lots of love,
    Nancy Lindley

    • Thank you Nancy. She is such a terrific lady, so glad that you know her. Much love Kat

      • R.D.Reddick says

        Thanks “Kat:”
        Such Memories! Lost one grandmother in 1954, the other in 1974. were very precious to us all! My kids knew theirs, one is still with us @ 90! (kids are in their late 30s). Oft we seem too busy with life and may miss much of the significance these family blessings of our early years.
        But one day we awaken to the reality that we are one! Thankfully can recall these family times, can reflect and better accept our role as g’parents. Thanks for sharing. rdr


  1. […] bows. It feel it began with these pictures of Gigi  {you can read all about Gigi here:  My children call her Gigi (aka my Grammie) and Everyone should have a 97 year old Grammie (Part 2)} […]

  2. […] for those special recipes from Gigi, my ULTRA fabulous culinary-star Grammie (97 years old – […]

  3. […] So much that when the internet shopping idea was introduced years back, I bought stock. You see, my Gigi was a Stock Market Diva. She was the one who taught me how to watch the Stock Market for sweet […]

  4. […] Gigi visiting for the holidays – Buddy and Maddox […]

  5. […] can read more about this amazing lady here  and […]

  6. […] we do, I wanted to let you know, I’m doing okay.  Losing Grammie has been quite difficult.  Mostly, it has felt as if someone punched my ribs, knocking the wind […]

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