Summer Photo Series Week 2

The website, Shutter Sitters, has a wealth of information as well as online classes for all levels of photography.

My level of photography changes every day, with each click of the lens.

But to remember how it all began, here it is.

Christmas 1993, DH bought me my first fancy camera, we weren’t even married.

I read books, hung out at Pro Photo in Irvine to talk shop with other camera people and film developers.

(Film, it’s like saying 8-track tape and yes, I was the Norm of Pro Photo)

I took quite a few photos on ‘film’ and practiced aperture techniques.

Then babies + babies + babies happened.

My camera and I grew apart while technology improved.

16 years later, last Christmas I dusted off my now digital camera and lens to become reacquainted.

I was rusty, it was an awkward meeting.

Today, I am constantly working with my camera, trying to improve, always wanting to move forward.

I visit, Lightroom , Picnik, Picasa Web Albums, and Flickr daily.

So without further adieu

Here is July Summer Photo Series Week DOS

Each photo was taken and submitted the day the assignment was requested.


wide open spaces

July 6th – Wide Open Spaces

My job was to ….”Today seek out a lookout point that offers your spirit room to soar”

My son did this for me today.


hidden traesure

July 7th – So Subtle 1

My job was to capture the “subtle signs of beauty that long to be noticed”.

I took two photos for this one;  seeing mother nature at work felt invigorating.

I added a second photo because

hidden treasure 2 

July 7th – So Subtle 2

I felt like a prospector who just found a stream of gold.

Summer Photo hidden treasure

July 8th – Treasure Hunters

My job was to capture…

“what nature offers can not only bring our attention to the wonders of the season but can direct out hearts and minds toward a deeper understanding of who we are and a sublime state of mind.”


summer photo shape of things2  July 9th – The Shape of Things

My job was to .. “Capture your favorite shape”.  I love the shape of  Daphney’s eyes and face.

They are magically beautiful and have healed my soul.

I tried to capture her caramel with a dollop of whip cream darling face.

 Making Memories

July 10th – Making Memories

My job was to capture… “As you’re looking at your life today, shoot a scene you know you’ll want to look back on.”

I love this one. It is a fabulous memory for me and my son.

treat yourself 043

July 11th – Treat Yourself

And finally, I was instructed to capture “simple pleasures and the kind of indulgences that do us good”.

Thoughts of a Mani – Pedi prevailed.

Go out and get one this week friends, your deserve it!

Lastly, Tracey’s quote this week defines precisely what draws me to photography,

‘A camera is a tool for learning how to see without a camera.” –Dorothea Lange

completely absolutely true.


kathleen sign silver






  1. zach's mom says

    LOVE all the photos! Love the face and body expressions you captured in the waterslide photo!

  2. those are so good! I’m glad you recapped them in a post – it so hard to find anything in those monster galleries!! Well done love the polaroid one! cute!

  3. These are all wonderful! You have a great eye. Shutter Sisters is an amazing web site. I’m glad you are re-exploring your passion for photography.

    • Thanks Suz, I would love to she your eye during this Shutter Sisters Series. I am sure they would ALL be legendary beautiful. Much like our mutual friends who left a comment previously.

      PS. Your water and roses photo is still my mental ‘happy place’.

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