The newest objects of my affection

The newest objects of my affection are the lovely designs from The Mod Dog on Esty. Esty is a website that connects makers with buyers, a wonderful place to shop.  The Mod Dog specializes in custom designed accessories for  your pet,  especially dog collars which I just happen to be in the market for.

 I am struggling, want one in every color.

Here is a little taste.

 ‘Sangria’ –  yes please, bartender

‘Lula Mae’ – like a Dahlia in spring, delightful

‘Geisha’  – super cool design

‘Ashbury’ – perhaps matching ties for the boys?

Busy Bee’ – giggling about

Best In Show quote…

“WHERE’S BUSY BEE? You run and you go get busy bee!”

 I digress.



  1. Yes friends, ya’ll guessed it! I ordered the Sangria. I can’t wait to try it on the Diva. And yes, I will post photos!

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